Monday, May 30, 2005

Streaky freaky.

So I busted out the sunless tanning lotion last night.

If you know me at all, you can imagine the results.

My arms actually aren't too bad (and it is a natural color), but it's streaky/patchy near the wrists and hands and stuff. And my legs...good Lord. Once it dried, I noticed some parts that I had missed, so I tried to go back over it today to even out the streaks...Then but now I'm one shade darker and just as streaky.

I'm not sure WHY I thought this would be a remotely successful venture.


Jen said...

LOL. He referred to some Guiness commericial in an earlier post and none of us picked up on it. So he was all bummed cuz he was patting himself on the back for being so clever.

Nik said...

Jen- you're a dumbass! How many times are you gonna "try" that stuff before you realize it doesn't work? We all know you're white as a ghost, so why try to hide it?

Jen said...

I'm not "white as a ghost." I have "porcelain skin." Or "ivory," even.

Jen said...

Nice going, Rob.

Nik said...

YOU have ivory skin? Ivory doesn't glow in the dark honey!

Nik said...

Renee, I don't think I've seen you in like 10 years, so I can't make fun of you. We;ll just make Jen the target of the comment! lol

Jen said...

Renee, I bought Jergens ....something. Same thing, though, lotion with a tanner in it. IT'S AWESOME.