Friday, May 13, 2005


  • Lemon Pez taste like Lemon Pledge.

  • Kids will say ANYTHING that pops into their minds. We were at Wendy's for lunch today, and a teenage boy with a spiked Mohawk walked in. Unfortunately, he sat down at a table right next to us (Luc was watching him with fascination, and I knew that we were in trouble).

    "Supernanny!" he said. "Why does that boy have tall hair?"

    A lady sitting nearby kind of choked on her drink.

    "And why is it so pointy? It looks like the sun." (He was referring to the "rays" of the sun, I assume, because his hair wasn't orange or yellow or something.)

    I'm mortified, of course. "Luc," I hissed. "We'll talk about it in the car. But right now, please don't say anything or you might hurt his feelings."

    We had a really close call at the supermarket earlier this week, too. We turned into an aisle and saw an extremely large man standing there.

    "Supernanny!!" Luc said. (Oh God no, I was thinking.) "That man is REALLY --"




Jen said...
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Nik said...

Jen and Renee, you're both just freakin weird! Personally, I think Lemon Pez is horrible tasting, don't know how anyone can eat that crap.
Renee, love the explanation to your son,especially the blah,blah,blah part!
Missy's lil guys have tons of questions when it comes to people's skin color and stuff. It's fun trying to try and explain those things to them. Do they have to be so dang curious?? LOL