Monday, May 02, 2005

Songs I can't get out of my head.

Right now, I keep bursting into song with "Mickey" ("Hey Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind. Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!") and the Coke with Lime song ("Put the lime in the coconut, drink it all up"--actually, that one I've taught to the kids, so that we can all be in Jingle Hell together).


Jen said...

To be honest, I've never even heard of The Bravery. I may have to pay a visit to iTunes.

keesh said...

I have Gwen Stafani's Holla Back Girl in my head all the time as my niece played it yesterday over and over :)

Jen said...

New Best Friend Rob, I didn't say I DIDN'T like it. I said it seems to be an acquired taste.

Jen said...

*Gasp* Rob, how dare you take something I told you in confidance and use it against me!


Anna...I'm not even sure WHAT to say to you.

Jen said...

And NOW, The Final Countdown is in my head, as I'm sure it will be all day. (Strangely, I find myself singing not the words by the synth part--"do do do, do dodo do...")

And if there's any justice in this world, Rob, I'm taking YOU down with me.

Jen said...

Lord, we scared off another one.

Does that mean you're not sending me any more musical selections?

Jen said...

Rob, I would NEVER shoot you down.

Please send me another song. Please? Look, I'm begging, even.

Jen said...

LOL Renee. I had the same thought when I saw his name.

Rob and I have been exchanging songs all night...those his success rate is rather low.

Jen said...


I don't even KNOW you anymore.

Jen said...

WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE that you don't love the Final Countdown??

They're all unknown (well, to me--and you, too, I dare say) bands and singers. Rob calculated a 1.5/7 or so success rate last night (I'm not sure where the .5 came in, exactly--and I THOUGHT I had liked at least two full songs, but I digress.)

Let the record show that he did like MY selections (which included Rascal Flatts and Sade), so clearly, my musical taste is superior.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Cyndi Lauper to listen to.

Jen said...

Regarding Sade, you said "Good song."

So HA. MY success rate is 2/3.

Jen said...

Okay first of all, you LOVE to be a bitch. ;)

Secondly, I sing the ORIGINAL version. Geez.

Jen said...
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