Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Let's Share

I received a request to post another question from my Book of Questions. I'll pick a more interesting topic this time :-)

If you were going to turn to crime to support yourself from now on, what kind of criminal would you become?


Anonymous said...

A Prostitute. I would not have a pimp though because all they would do is beat me and then take my money. I would never go to work without letting someone know where I was going and I don't know maybe, where I was going to be servicing my customers at. And I would probably check in with this person from time to time throughout the night for safety reasons. Yes my friends I am thinking about making this my next BIG career move. wish me luck. Melissa

Jen said...

Insider trading. If I knew anything about stocks, I mean.

keesh said...

Martha Stewart. I would do what she does. it is just criminal like to be able to cook, clean, do crafts and go to Jail for lieing about your stocks. Yeah, i could do that.

keesh said...

Renee - i am looking forward to doing this over drinks in June. i mean the question and answer thing...funny....

Fred said...

I'd be a Vegas cheat. I love playing cards and hanging around casinos, so it would be the best of all worlds.

Oceans 11 & 12 are two of my favorite movies, although I don't think my fantasy crime would be quite that extensive.

Jamie Dawn said...

Ohhhh, this is a goodie!
If I did turn to the oldest profession in the world, it would have to be as a highly paid call girl. No trashy clothes or dirty motels. It would have to be high class all the way! I doubt I would ever have the guts to do this so, I'll have to say...
I would be an assassin.

sparkydiva said...

i'd be a madame, and supply nothing but beautiful, classy women to nothing but very wealthy, lonely men. gosh...can't believe i said that!

Nik said...

I'd be either a bookie, a casino cheater, or a Coyote (for those who don't know, a Coyote is a person who smuggles illegal aliens into the US from Mexico. I guess if I'm gonna smuggle people I may as well smuggle drogas too!

Avery's mom said...


Avery's mom said...

Why would so many of you want to be drug smugglers and prostitutess?

you're on my list

Nik said...

My reason would be that whether we like it or not, they are lucrative "businesses".

Courtney said...

I think I would become a professional theif. Stealing diamonds, paintings, robbing banks. That sort of thing. If not that. I think I'd be a poacher.