Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And now for a rousing game of Where's Jen?

(I'm assuming it's okay to post this pic, as *I* got it from our school's website.)

And yes, I know the faces are very small. That's what makes the game so exciting. (I tried to enlarge it but it just distorted/blurred the photo. I'll keep working on it, though. If someone else can do it and email it to me, that'd be cool too.)


Renee said...

I think you're in the second row, right of center, kind of diagonally to the right behind a girl with a lot of blond hair :-)

Nik said...

My guess is second row fourth from the right end.

But there's a couple others that could be you, too. I don't know what you've done hair-wise lately, so it's kinda tricky.

Renee said...

yeah, that's mine, too. I guess I could have made it less confusing and COUNTED ;-)

Renee said...

Hello, do we win?

sparkydiva said...

i think first row, kneeling, fifth from the right...

Jen said...

Renee and Nik were right. Brandi, you identified one of our PE teachers. ;)

Renee and Nik, you win bragging rights for being able to pick your best friend of over 20 years and your sister out of a line up. Good job.

Renee said...

Sweet! Now we just need to make sure nobody ELSE can pick you out of a lineup ;-)