My stand on the issues.
I know we've talked about some of these before, but I wanted to make sure that my very dearest friends know how I feel about some of the most important issues of the day.
Gay marriage: It drives me CRAZY when I hear straight people preaching about "the sanctity of marriage." Oh, so you mean our 50+% divorce rate is PRESERVING the sanctity of this holy institution? Yes, clearly, we heteros know ALL ABOUT marriage. Shit, if you ask me, I don't think WE should be allowed to get married anymore. I bet you that gay people wouldn't have such a high divorce rate:
Abortion: I know this is an especially heated subject. I will say that, although I'm not sure I could ever have one myself (although I'm not even ruling that out, depending on the situation), I fully believe that OTHERS should have the right to choose. I don't feel that MY beliefs--or the beliefs of any others, for that matter--should dictate what other people can or cannot do. Yes, ideally, there would be no unwanted pregnanciess--and if there were, they would be carried to term so that a childless couple could raise that baby--but let's face it, that's not going to happen. I've seen some "parents" (and I use the term loosely) who should NOT have a kid. Is a life in an abusive home or neglectful family really better than no life at all?
I am, however, against abortion used as birth control ("Oh, darn, I'm pregnant AGAIN? Better go make an appointment."). Abortion should be used as a last resort; it should not be a regular occurance. If you're really having that much trouble taking the pill or using a condom, then shit, go get Norplant or Depo or an IUD or something. I'm also uncomfortable with abortion after the first trimester--but that's just me.
Religion in schools: You know, this whole PC thing has gotten WAY out of hand. Yes, I know that not everyone prays to the same God--and that some people don't pray at all. And that's fine. But not being able to pray at graduation, or say the Pledge because of "under God," or even--I shit you not, this happened at that charter school I worked at a couple of years ago--put up a winter bulletin board with Santa Clause on it becuase "Santa" represented "Christmas," which would be offensive to the Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses at the school. We couldn't even say "Happy Holidays"...well, all of that is going a bit far, if you ask me. We're trying to protect the "rights" of that--I don't know--10%, but what about the 90% who DO pray and DO celebrate Christmas? How come THEY no longer have THEIR freedom of religion?
I'm not trying to sound insensitive or racist in any way. I realize that our schools (and workplaces) today are more diverse than ever before. However, I do NOT believe that the beliefs of a few should take precedence over the beliefs of many. Yes, we're protecting the minority of students who DO have different beliefs and customs--but at the expense of the majority?
I'm well aware of the separation of church and state and that religion should not be in schools. But you know what? If you don't believe in the Pledge, don't say it. If you don't want to pray at graduation, then don't. But at least respect the overwhelming majority of people who DO want to, especially on such a special day. And as far as that bulletin board goes--it's a f*cking REINDEER, people. Get over it.
(I actually had more issues to discuss but I have to go get ready for work. So, while you're waiting for part 2, discuss these first few amongst yourselves. Agree or disagree, just keep it clean. And feel free to suggest other issues that you'd like me to sound off on.)
Wow, this is big stuff. I mostly agree with you Jen, I know this will shock you. I do believe in Freedom of choice and I agree that some areas are gray, but overall, I agree. I do believe there is one God, but the way I interpret things are different than others and that is ok, that is what makes us human and I also believe that the final judgement comes from God, not me, and we should not judge with hatred, like those morons protesting at a heros funeral. THat just eats me up, I have been telling everyone about that and how sad it is that you can't even be put to rest in our country when you fight for the freedom to have those rights. Ok, Jen, anyway, overall I agree with you :), Especially on the marriage thing. It should be harder to get married than it is, for all people, Gay or strait.
Thanks for your opinions on these matters
Gay marriage: I'd like for marriage to stay between men and women, although I'd like for gay couples to have benefits given to married people. I think opening the door to legal gay marriage opens the door to other things, such as polygomy, etc...
Abortion: Touchy subject. I don't agree with abortions, but it is very difficult to legislate making abortion illegal. I would like to see better sex ed in schools where they would teach abstinence as a real choice, and where condoms are made available for those who choose to be sexually active. I think preventing unwanted pregnancies should be the primary goal on both sides of the abortion issue. The vast number of abortions really bothers me.
Religion: Private schools can do as they please, but public schools should teach diversity. Since our country was founded by Christians, I feel that celebrating Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter should be part of the school schedule. I don't think any students should ever be pushed to participate in things against their religion, but we don't need to be so touchy about everything to try and kiss everybody's butts. In other countries, they teach and practice their country's main religion, we should not hesitate to celebrate Christian holidays in our public schools. The pledge should be part of school, but no one should be forced to say it.
Now, you know what I think.
Good post. It made me think.
Ooh yeah, JD, you touched on something else that I had wanted to mention: sex ed in schools. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY when policians and other "head up their assers" say, "I don't think our kids should be having sex, so we're not giving them condoms. We're promoting an abstinence-only program."
Yeah. I'm here to tell ya, no matter what you've been "taught," if a teen is going to have sex, that teen is GOING to have sex. So, it's up to you, as a parent/eductor: do you want that kid to be using a condom or not?
(I have lots of deep thoughts when I'm awake at night worrying about people in convoys.) ;)
JD - I do have to elaborate on the abortion thing too, I just don't agree with abortions. I do think education is most important and knowing that our teens WILL make their own choices, so we need to make them aware of all the avenues. Naieveness doesn't help anyone. I hate it when parents think their kids wont have sex. HELLO, do you have hormones??
LOB - I got married as a way to further my committment to the person I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. It signifies a lot to me personally, but it isn't for everyone and I don't think it should be the way "it has to be", but for me personally, there is much more to it than a piece of paper. Our marriage hasn't always been easy, but being married made me want to work hard to keep our relationship healthy. I think it is the leval of committment you chose to make, no matter what you do.
LoB: Yes, I fear that my sleep will continue to be disturbed at least for the rest of August, or until he's done with convoys, whichever comes first. So that should make student teaching REALLY fun in a couple of weeks.
Jen, we must have been separated at birth. My views are exactly the same as yours. Really!
All I can say is that I'm tired of the political correctness that has begun to shame many people from saying "Merry Christmas." There's something wrong when you can't express your feelings for fear or getting sued.
Now that I think of it, I'd love to talk about the billions of dollars sleazy lawyers extract out of companies. For instance, how about the guy who won damages from a store cutting himself on the window? My problem? He was breaking into the store to steal all he could.
Here’s another thing that bothers me. People in Miami made claims for Hurricane Francis and Jeanne, and FEMA paid millions of dollars to those claimants. My Problem? Those hurricanes landed 100 miles north. Now, FEMA’s trying to get their money back. So, who’s worse? The crooks, or the government that is so incompetent that it paid out money blindly.
Fredricka is my soulmate! Sweet!
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