Sunday, August 21, 2005

The person below me.

No, this isn't a dirty post (although undoubtedly, at some point, it will be turned into one).

This is a game I found online that I thought was pretty cool, so I figured we'd give it a shot.

You make a random statement and the next person to post says true or false and then makes their own statement. Example-

"The person below me loves the color purple."
Next Poster- "False- I like red. The person below me likes cats better than dogs."
3rd Poster- "True. The person below me is married."

And so on...make sense?

OK, so I'll get it started.

The person below me loves thunderstorms.

(Remember, only the first person to reply to this thread answers THAT statement--and then the second commenter will respond to the statement left by the first poster, etc.)


keesh said...

False - I sleep with my favorite blanket and cuddly hubby. The person below me loves McDonalds.

Jen said...

TRUE!!!! Their french fries have been the biggest obstacle to Operation Weight Loss.

(And yes, you can answer more than once.)

The person below me is excited that fall is coming.

sparkydiva said...

true. texas summers SUCK!

the person below me snores.

keesh said...

I am the biggest fish ever! I love to dodge waves. WAY TRUE!
The person below me thinks enough is enough with the tabloids on Brad and Jen?

Fred said...

True, True, and True.

The person below me wants to move to a different state.

Jen said...



The person below me had an operation.

Jamie Dawn said...

False: But I was a coach of a Jr. High Volley ball Team.

The person below me knows sign language.

Fred said...

Um, Renee, can we please play the game right? :)

The person below me watches Saved By The Bell

keesh said...

True: well I use to anyway. Not so much anymore, unless I am desparate for something to write.
Now, unlike Nee, here is mine:

the person below me hates country music...

Jen said...

First, I have to say that I think it's hysterical that Nee keeps messing up, cuz when I posted first posted this, I KNEW that if anyone would screw it up, it'd be her. ;)

True--roses and tulips especially. And MOST especially when they come from a boyfriend. (That was one good thing about Jeff, at least in the beginning.)

Jen said...

SHIT. After making fun of Renee, *I* go and screw it up. LOL.

Um...the person below me has already started her/his Christmas shopping

Fred said...

False. I'll see you in the store on Christmas Eve.

The person below me is going to bed now.

Fred said...


The person below me is younger than me and can stay up much later than me.

Jen said...

FALSE. I used to be able to, back in my glory days (i.e., last week), but now, after a 12 hour day of JUST setting up our classroom, I'm actually pretty darn tired.


(I can't possibly be the ONLY one this statement applies to.) ;)

Jen said...

False. I've never liked the crunchy kind.

The person below me has at least one pet.

keesh said...

Yup, true. We have one dog that sheds like a mother and I hate the hair being all over. Kind of ruins your chances of being able to stay at my house this fall doesn't it Jen?

The person below me remembers the show Kids Incorporated and knows that Furgy from the black eyed peas was on that show.

keesh said...

True, I kiss someone of the opposite sex almost daily, my husband anyway.

The person below me has kissed someone of the same sex??

Fred said...

Way to kill the game, Kish. :)

keesh said...

Fred - does this mean you don't want to admit the truth?? Ok, I will answer my own.

No, haven't done that.

the person below me hates reading...

Jen said...


Too funny, cuz I was just thinking this morning, "it's only a matter of time before this game turns sexual."

No, I LOVE reading, but mostly for fun. I don't like that "educational reading" (ironic, considering my line of work). Anna will read all these historical accounts of, like, the Roman Empire and stuff, and I just want to sit down with a Jonathan Kellerman or something "mindless" and just read for fun, you know?

Um...the person below me has low self-esteem.

Jen said...

False. Very false.

The person below me has one major regret in life.

Fred said...

Sorry to disappoint you ladies, but no male/male stuff in my background. With the new ponytail, however, I did get the attention of a guy in London - he wanted to take my picture. Ewww!

To Jen's question. Not one major regret. Really. Lots of little ones, but nothing major.

The person below me is a neat freak.

keesh said...

True, or at least I try to be, but sometimes my hectic life wont allow me to be too much.

The person below me has a favorite travel spot they visit regularly?

Jen said...

Kish's and Renee's kind of overlapped, so I'll answer both.

To Kish's: False, unless you count Holland. I just don't travel much, mostly cuz of finances. Once I have a steady teacher paycheck and summers off, though, I hope to change that.

To Renee's: True. I mean, not by MYSELF, and not reguarly. But with boyfriends, yeah, it can certainly spice things up.

The person below em is responsible with money.

MoC said...

False I over draw regularly but I'm trying to correct that

The person below me has been to Disneyland in California

keesh said...

False, been to disneyworld in Florida, but never even been to CA.

the person below me has a favorite band they are almost a groupie to?

keesh said...

False, everyone knows I have a crush on my husband and a close second is Keith Urban :). ha

the person below me hated school.

Fred said...

Nope, not me. The higher, the better.

The person below me is drinking while they're posting.

Nik said...

Partly false, I usually sleep w/ either just a pair of shorts or my skimpies on. If it's cold then maybe I'll throw a shirt on.

The person below me watches educational television.

Jen said...

True. But with YOU as my best friend, how could I NOT be tempted?!

The person below me has a high pain tolerance.

Nik said...

LOL Only in the summer time baby! Gotta have a "jacket" in the colder months. hehehe

The person below me would like to spend a month as the oppposite sex, just to see what it's like.

keesh said...

True, I would like to see what it is like to not be a hormonal wreck, to not care about much and to only want to eat, sleep and have sex.

the person below me is scared of committment?

Jen said...

My whole LIFE I've been talking about getting married and settling down; in fact, I've always been a "relationship" person vs. a "playing the field" kind of person. Then again, I also sabotage every relationship I ever who knows.

The person below me genuinely LIKES (not loves) their parents.

Fred said...

False. We don't have apple trees here, and grapefruit picking is not exactly a common sight.

The person below me watches The Weather Channel all the time.

keesh said...

False - I watch it for the latest weather and that is it.

the person below me is addicted to celeb magazines.

Jen said...

True, I think. I guess it's not so much that I'm afraid to die, I just dont WANNA. And I"m more afraid of HOW I'll die and when.

Dang, first there's Kish trying to turn us all into lesbians and now there's the Grim Reaper over here.

The person below me is about ready to move on from this game. =-)