I don't even know what to say.
This article just gutted me for two reasons. First of all, it's titled "Aug. Death Toll for Reserves in Iraq Soars," and it examines how deadly the first 10 days of August have been for Reserves and National Guard members in Iraq (Thomas in NG). So it's a scary article for me to read to begin with.
However, there's another aspect that makes this article even more heartbreaking. The soldier featured, both in the article and in the photo, was one of "our" guys. Even worse, his Angel is a friend of mine. She received word of her soldier's death on her 21st birthday. She got the call while she was writing him a letter.
This particular death hit me especially hard. I didn't know him while he was alive, but in the days since he was taken from us, his Angel and I have talked, and she's shared with me some stories about him, both funny and poignant, and even shared some of his words with me. Getting a glimpse into the soul of this man who was so excited to come home and resume his life--truly, there are no words for how painful it is. My heart aches for his family, friends and Angel, who have all lost such an amazing man. Hell, we've ALL lost him. Some of us just don't know it yet.
As an Angel, it's getting pretty damn hard to "keep our helmets on," as we say. How do I continue to support my troops when I'm feeling so broken and empty inside myself? I feel like I'M running out of steam. And yet they need us, now more than ever.
My first thought, of course, is, "Bring them the f*#& home!! How many more have to be killed over there?" But then, just today, on the Angel board, another one of our soldiers posted about how much he believes in what they're doing over there and how much of a difference they're making. So hell, if HE believes in the mission, than who am I to say it's wrong?
I don't know anymore, guys. I honestly can't even tell you how I feel about this war. I don't even KNOW if I support it or not. I've moved from one end of the spectrum to the other and now...I don't know. I want Thomas home. I want them ALL home. And I pray, all the time, for the families and friends who, almost every day, receive the devastating news that their loved one isn't coming home.
I'm sorry so much of my focus has been on the war lately. No, actually, I'm not. "Sorry" isn't the right word. I know it's not much fun to read these posts. But like it or not, this is what's going on over there, and I owe it to every single person, both those who have lost their lives and those who are still fighting, not to close my eyes or stick my head in the sand. Like it or not, it's real.
It's just so damn hard. I'm just...I don't know.
It's really tough to see our soilders killed over there in Iraq. A friend of mine lost her older of two boys in Iraq last October. Her other son is serving in Afganistan right now. Boy boys enlisted on their own without any qualms of what could happen to them.
Another friend of mine has two sons over in Iraq. Both boys enlisted after 9/11 so they knew the danger of going over there. I know it is hard but all those young men and women need our support more than ever. If we were to pull out now, then all those deaths would be for nothing. We have to finish what we started or the terrorist will win. I know that they opened a pandora's box when the war started, but how do you help those Iraqi people who have been oppressed for so long and not quit? Our loses in Iraq are really rather small if you consider WWI and WWII. I know that each and every loss is sad but we can't leave until the new Iraqi government is up and running.
I feel so bad for your friend. I will continue to pray for our soldiers, for they need us. Thanks for the post.
I think LUCY would make an excellent Angel. ;)
I've never been overly religious, but I have found myself in the last few weeks having talks with God several times a day with regards to what's going on in this world today. I'm just having a major hard time understanding why things have to be this way and praying like mad that all this madness and hatred ends soon. It just brings me to tears to see all these amazing men and women giving their all to help the people of Iraq become free and live in a world without fear and these men and women catch nothing but grief for this. We need to do everything that we can to lift these heroes up and let them know that we love them, we support them, and we're with them all the way!! It can be a daunting task, keeping your head up. But don't let those fucking terrorist win this fight!
(damn, I just ran the whole gammut (SP?) of emotions in that one post) Sorry, but I just get so upset when this comes up. Can ya blame me?
And, heck yeah, Lucy, and tons of others would make great Angels!
Well damn, look who decided to post.
Locutus - media is doing a "sanitized" version of the war. Must keep G. Jr.'s numbers up any way they can.
While we are losing people everyday we are getting more wounded than are accounted for - but where are the numbers and photos or films of them?
When our niece was wounded in June I started looking for info and resources. She had a broken leg, among her other injuries, and it had to be rebroken and set because NOTHING was done to it till she was back stateside.
Check it out at the early archives of http://invisiblewounded.blogspot.com/ and read this article http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2005/03/08/night_flights/index_np.html
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