Thursday, June 09, 2005

Just another manic Thursday?

Normally I really like Thursdays- it's almost Friday, almost the weekend- Yay!
But this Thursday is NOT doin' it for me. The phone lines are down at my office and the main projects I needed to work on today require phone lines. I've done everything else I can do. I'm SO bored.
And have you noticed how on Thursdays the number of posts and comments on blogs go way down? What's up with that?


Jen said...
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Jen said...

I cannot WAIT till the weekend.

This whole week, the kids have been workin my nerves--especially yesterday. Maybe it's my PMS, maybe it's that this is the first week that ALL THREE are home all day for summer vacation...but I've been dragging ass and cranky.

Jen said...

I sat by a pool today too...granted, it was inflatable and filled by a hose, but still.

Jamie Dawn said...

It's Friday as I'm reading this, so I'm hoping today was a lot better for you.
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

LOL Anna :-)