Empty Nest Syndrome.
My babies left the nest this weekend (the last one within the past few hours or so). I already miss them. Still, watching them hatch and "grow up" over the last couple of weeks has really been cool. I hope that this second roll of pictures turn out halfway decently.
So I was out walking tonight, and on the sidewalk across the parking lot, I saw three kids squatting down looking at something. I smiled at them as I walked by (as I do every time I pass them on my walk-- they're Arab American kids, so because I've always been unsure of their English-speaking abilities, I've just been relying on non-verbal communication. As it turns out, their English is somewhat broken, but we're able to communicate), and they pointed at what had caught their attention.
I'll be damned if it wasn't one of my baby birds. I KNOW that it was. And it was just sitting there with a leaf on its back. ("It's the blanket," the older boy told me matter-of-factly. "Ah," I said, nodding. "Of course."). I don't think he was HURT, I just think that his flying skills aren't very good yet.
We talked about "my" baby birds. ("What color they are?" asked one of the little girls. I explained that they looked just like our little buddy on the sidewalk there, and I pointed out some of the colors--gray, black, white, brownish-orange.) I told them that I was pretty sure that this bird came out of the nest by balcony (I pointed it out across the parking lot), and together, their eyes wide and excited, we created our plan. (These children were just absolutely beautiful--big dark eyes, beautiful skin, glossy black hair.)
See, with all the dangers lurking about this complex, I couldn't just let my baby sit there. He wouldn't have lasted very long. If a cat didn't get him, I was afraid he'd hop his little ass back into the parking lot or something. So I picked him up, cradled him against my body and carried him back across the parking lot and upstairs to my apartment, where I gently placed him back into his nest. ("What are you doing??" I could hear him thinking. "It took me TWO DAYS to get that far!") I know that you aren't supposed to touch baby animals, as the human scent can cause the mother to reject them, but Mamma Bird had already left the nest earlier in the week. (Trust me, I've been anxiously watching for her--but she's gone. At one point, I told Jeff I was going out to buy some worms, to which he muttered something about "mental hospital" and "no insurance." I assume, though, that it's nature's way of prompting the babies to leave the nest and seek their own way. So hopefully, by touching him, I didn't do any damage.)
I left to finish the rest of my walk. I just got back and checked on him; he's on a branch right outside of the nest.
I know, I'm not right.
I was outside on my balcony and I heard a bird chirping nearby--I looked out and saw the "baby" on a branch about 3 feet from the nest. Okay, so maybe he hasn't TOTALLY left the nest yet.
It was really cool, too, because he was looking straight at me and just chirping away. I honestly think he recognizes me. Every time I go out there, he looks right at me and "talks" to me.
LOL, I hope he hasn't imprinted himself on me and thinks that I'M his mommy. But Lord knows I've been out there enough with them, taking pictures and just watching them.
And now, in a related story, Boots is back. He was up in that damn tree again. I just checked and both baby birds are still okay, but I went out there to check on Little Hopper and Boots jumped out of the tree onto my balcony again.
I'm feeding him and then he's going RIGHT BACK OUTSIDE. Really. (Although Jeff IS gone for the night on a golf trip with some new friends from work...)
He's such a nice young man, no?
I'm glad I linked him.
I think you're ready for children now. How many would you and Jeff like?
LoB, bite me. I KNEW you'd say something about his trip. If there's one thing I can say about Jeff, it's that I trust him 100% (for the first time in my life, I actually trust a guy). He may be a jerkhead sometimes, but unfaithful he is not and I trust him. Just like he trusts me when I leave for my girl's weekend next weekend (5 days and counting).
And Fred, I told you, I'm not sure about that whole kid thing anymore. (Or maybe that was someone else I was talking to.) I love kids and they bring me true, pure, joy, but maybe I'm meant to just teach them and not have them. I think I'm too selfish to have kids.
If I read this post right, you don't seem all that selfish to me.
Well, not the saving the baby bird part. ;) But, for example, sleeping in. I like that a lot. And just having alone time. Being able to go out on a whim without having to find a sitter or spend half an hour getting kids ready and packing them and all their stuff up into the car. Going home to an apt with no kids. I REALLY like that. I just dont know if I can be around them 24/7 for years without end.
Plus, like today, the kids are being really bad and I'm so short tempered and I feel so bitchy, but every time I turn around their fighting or biting or kicking or CRAWLING ON THE FLOOR IN THE LIBRARY and I'm just so IRRITATED. I dont think I have the patience to be around kids 24/7.
I see your point. I wonder if I can return my three for a refund.
But at least I'd do better than this.
Now you just jinxed it, Renee.
Well like I said, he's a butthead, but he's not a CHEATING butthead.
What do you mean, you dont know if he's the one for me?? I thought you were excited about "us"!
The last...month or so since our last Blowout has been quite good, actually. Maybe this will work.
Or not.
Hi, I jinxed my damn self.
Carry on.
I hate when my friends and sisters are right-er than I am about my own damn relationships.
Renee-- your year and a half comment, almost true, but not technically, but I won't get into that at all!
Jen, *sigh*
Well, we're friends...but that's about it, at least for the forseeable future. Once I finish student teaching and get my own place...who knows. But I suspect that by then, I really won't even give a shit anymore.
Renee, I'm almost sure you are on the right page, I'll email ya.
Renee, thought I had your emauil addy, but don't. I'm sure you know the deal though!
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