Thursday, September 06, 2007

Note to self:

Don't watch Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? while PMSing, either.



Renee said...

Did you cry at THIS show, too?!

Anonymous said...

Huh? I like the questions on that show but they take SOOOOO LOOOONG to answer that I get too bored to stay tuned and turn the channel before they get around to it. I need faster paced shows like Jeopardy.

Jen said...

Yes, I cried. Last night there was a military guy on and he was going for big money and he got the answer wrong but his 5th grade partner saved him and everyone was standing up and clapping and it was so cool.

I won't even tell you how I cried tonight looking at my car, thinking it might be my last night with it (I'm going to the Kia place tomorrow....I hate to get a car payment but I'm spending soo much keeping this current one going that it's really not even worth it at this point. I'm going to try to play hardball but you all know how I suck at that. Maybe I'll skip my meds before I go in. That'll make me nice and scary. ;) )

Jen said...

PS...ALSO cried at Wonder Years last night.

Thank God I got my period today. =-)

Renee said...

LMAO :-) Crying at Wonder Years isn't weird (well, not to ME, Deb Junior), but crying at 5th Grader and your CAR, LOL, is a little silly. Congrats on getting your period :-)

And good luck car-shopping!

Jen said...

And it was the one where Karen got married and it was really sweet and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Wonder Years! I remember the one where Karen got married- Crazy kid and her hippy husband. I'd like to see the final episode again. It's been ages.