My holiday weekend.
Ah, Labor Day weekend--the unofficial end of summer and a chance for families to have one last "fling" before the hustle and bustle of another school year begins anew. I know that some of you have big plans: family barbeques, perhaps, going up north, traveling. I wanted to take a moment to share with you MY plans for the holiday weekend.
1) Grading 25 journals (keep in mind that each journal has three separate entries I need to grade, so this is actually like 75 assignments)
2) Grading 29 spelling tests
3) Grading 28 language arts assignments
4) Writing a week's worth of lesson plans for 7th period reading (the first class I'm taking control of, starting next week)
5) Beginning work on my student teaching notebook/ portfolio (I won't bore you with the details, but this notebook has 10 different components that must be completed prior to the end of my student teaching, including a complete, comprehensive unit)
6) Trying to remember why, exactly, I want to be a teacher
If I ever again hear anyone say, after hearing that I'm entering the education field, "Oh, teaching must be so easy! You only work from 9 to 3 and you get the whole summer off, plus all those breaks during the year!", I will personally bash them over the head.
Yeah teaching is great.
Well at least you won't be using any gas.
My friend who is a teacher would agree with you. But it is rewarding I hope :). I can't afford to do much this labor day. gas is too expensive! Hanging out with my little man cause the hubby will be gone, having one girls night in town ;) and a lazy Sunday.
Jen- are you sure you are not overworking these young minds? Geesh :)
Welcome to our world. Have a great holiday.
Teaching is a hard job, but I think it may be one of the most rewarding jobs.
And this was just week #2!!! This is still the "easy" part!!
It is easily the most important job in the world. Without teachers we wouldn't know how to splel. :)
LOL Cliff.
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