I'll give it a shot. Jelly - What you put on your toast. Jam - what your in during rush hour traffic. Preserves - what they put in you when you die. Okay - that's not the right answer. Ralph
Backstory for everyone else...we had these encylopedias in our house when I was growing up, the Funk & Wagnalls. Well, every time Mom or Dad would tell me to "Go look it up in your Funk & Wagnalls"--I thought they were using a very bad word to describe the Wagnalls. LOLOL.
In my defense, Dad used to always say how much those damn things had cost, so it was entirely possible for them, especially HIM, to refer to them as "funkin" Wagnalls.
And I thought with 3 comments someone had the answer. Damn! I want to know the answers too.
I'll give it a shot.
Jelly - What you put on your toast.
Jam - what your in during rush hour traffic.
Preserves - what they put in you when you die.
Okay - that's not the right answer.
You need to start taking sleeping pills.
Thanks, Renee. I figured your Martha Stewart ass would know.
Look it up in your Funk & Wagnalls! :-)
or on the internet.
LOLOL...my "funkin Wagnalls."
Backstory for everyone else...we had these encylopedias in our house when I was growing up, the Funk & Wagnalls. Well, every time Mom or Dad would tell me to "Go look it up in your Funk & Wagnalls"--I thought they were using a very bad word to describe the Wagnalls. LOLOL.
In my defense, Dad used to always say how much those damn things had cost, so it was entirely possible for them, especially HIM, to refer to them as "funkin" Wagnalls.
I'm all for Ralph's definitions.
Preserves are the best! Yummmmmy.
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