My scale is telling me that I've gained 3-5 pounds in the last few weeks. It's probably a combination of the stress of moving (I HAVE been eating more) and the mass amounts of alcohol consumed this past weekend (alcohol has a shitload of calories, especially that hard liquor. But I distinctly remember drinking healthy; I mean, were there NOT strawberries in my daquiri AND lemon slices with my lemon drop?!).
I know that a few pounds may not seem like a lot, but if I've learned anything over the last almost-30 years, it's this: boys lie. Wait, sorry, wrong life lesson. If I've learned anything, it's that it's surprisingly easy to go from 5 lbs here and there to being forklifted out of your house through a knocked-out wall.
Guess it's back to the Lean Cuisine for a week or two.
You crack me up.
At least I can read your blog after you're gone.
By the time you go they'll have to forklift us both out.
We went to Windmill Island for our field trip today, where this conversation took place:
Tour Guide: This windmill weighs over 17 tons...
One of my students: Is that more than you, Miss Jenny?
Me: Barely.
NIce actually said that to your student :). I weigh more than you by a long shot so quit your bitchin :).
the point is, renee, that if I want to STAY this size, I need to watch my ass (literally)
Thanks LoB.
NEXT weekend, so a week from this Sat.
When you reach the Bruce B. Downs exit on 1-75, call me. I'll toss a congratulatory six pack into your car.
Don't worry about the weight; moving to Florida in July will take it off!
Don't believe him. All boys do lie.
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