Monday, July 10, 2006

How well do you know me?

I'm trying out the scoreboard thing again to see if it's working yet...

Create your own friendquiz here


Jen said...

Quit giving away answers in your comments, shithead! (Or at least CLUES to answers.)

Nik said...

You are so gonna have to tell me the answers to #'s: 6,9,and 15. I got everything else right.

keesh said...

oh i sucked so bad at this. I like the one's that give you the correct answers damn it! You must let us know the answers to the one's we least i got the one's I was like "shit, i better get these right or I am a horrible friend." none the less, I still sucked...hmm, guess I have to create my own little quiz :).

keesh said...

Hey J - how do you see what questions the people got right and what one's they got wrong?

Jen said...

um, try logging into your account at

keesh said...

Thanks Jen, I figured it out, but I don't know how you got to be so smart....

Mom said...

Don't feel bad you guys -

I missed 2. :-(

Jen said...

I only got 4 right for Kish, and we've been friends since high school.

Jen said...

who's pam h? lol

Jen said...

LOL Anna. Like I said, I've known Kish since like 94 and I scored dismally for her. I DID know her fave NASCAR driver though, of course. ;)