Monday, October 31, 2005

Dear Mrs. K,

Thanks for being a good teacher, a friend, and the best person ever.

You taught me alot and even when you weren't talking I learn.

I will know you will make more people happy as me when your teaching.

Sometimes I think your a angle [angel] from above to keep people safe.

(Angles dont have to sing well either.)

Just wondering, how can you deel with K. [a classmate she doesn't get along with] all the time? You must be very calm and skilled!

Love, KS

I'll miss you

Yes, this is an actual note I received today from one of my students, in all of its misspelled and grammatically incorrect glory. And it's one of the best gifts I've ever received.

(I think the letter is especially meaningful when you consider this: just two days ago, my psychic told me that "you like kids, they like you and they feel safe around you." And then, out of nowhere, I get this letter today. Interesting, huh?)


keesh said...

That is a adorable! yeah when is your last day?

Well Damn, thanks for clarifiying. I have always wondered if I had psychic abilities and now i know I do cause i also knew you were great with kids and that they feel safe around you. Great, now i can start charging! and you don't have to worry about keeping your current one when you move back home, cause I am here :)

Saur♥Kraut said...

I don't know you well enough to know how old these students are, but I thought you said High School age? What is being done about her spelling and grammar? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she gave you a nice note (though she was able to sneak in a little gibe against her rival), but I worry about the state of education today. However, for all I know these are special needs kids, or she has dyslexia... so I'm not passing any judgements (don't shoot the messenger!)

Jen said...

yeah, she's 11 or so.

Nik said...

That is so precious. I love the personal jab at the kid she doesn't like.