Saturday, September 17, 2005

Stat update.

Bust: 70 (okay, 40, but as the rest of me gets a little smaller, they sure FEEL like 70. Seriously, they're just starting to look cartoonish now.)
Waist: 32
Hips: 36 (I had to measure twice, but it's true--after being stuck at 38 forever, they suddenly dropped 2 inches)

However, because of my asthma, I'm now on a 40-day regimen of Prednisone, a steroid. "Being on this medication for such an extended period of time could result in moonface," the pharmacist warned me. (I'm usually on them for 7-10 day "bursts.")

I just looked at him. "'Moonface'? Is that really what it's called, or is that just Mean Pharmacist Slang?"

Moonface, for those of you who aren't regular steroid users, is when your face swells up all big and puffy. As I've been on Prednisone many times in the past, I'm all-to-familiar with this charming side effect; however, I had never heard it referred to as "moonface" before. Lovely, no? (Prednisone also causes a temporary weight gain, both from the water retention and from the CRAZY increased appetite brought on by the steroid.)

So if you need me, just look for the girl with the slim hips, Pamela Anderson-boobs and puffy-ass face.


sparkydiva said...

oh, miss jen...

Jen said...

I just scared the hell out of myself by looking up Prednisone on the net. Weight gain/puffiness, mood swings, excessive hair growth...I think I'd just rather wheeze, thank you very much.

(LOL. "Mood swings"? Yeah, cuz I need more of THOSE.)

Sum Kinda Princess said...

Sounds like a lovely medicine. I take midol when I take sterroids cause it helps with water retention and mood swings anyway. Works pretty well. I am glad I stumbled upon your blog! Stop by sometime. I'll be back around.

Mom said...


Mom said...

but make sure midol doesn't have ibuprofin.

Mom said...

and no you wouldn't rather wheeze. don't even think about it.

Jen said...

I can still take ibuprofin sometimes, Mother. Just not in the midst of an attack. Trust me, if I were someone who couldnt tolerate it at all, I would have known that by now.

Fred said...

Looks like your pharmacist was not using slang. I looked it up, and here are the terms: Puffy face; Swelling of the face; Moon face; Facial edema.

I had The Missus look at these stats since I'm so ignorant. She's jealous, which means you're making great progress. Congrats!

Jen said...

LOL Fred, thanks.

(You must be procrastinating on some paper grading or something, to take the time to do that.) ;)

Tell your wife thank you very much. The middle number still isn't all that impressive, but the other two are okay.

Fred said...

I don't have many papers to grade anymore. I have an intern that's completely taken over as of Friday for three of my classes. I only have one AP and one regular world history class.

Life is good...

Jen said...

LOL...lucky you, Fred, tho I certainly feel for your intern.

I went to the mall today and bought a MEDIUM tshirt. It was a big tight in a certain area but otherwise fit nicely.

The shirt, by the way, reads:

"Get your learn on."


Jen said...

I had an "asthma incident" this past week, Anna.

Jen said...

whoo hoo Renee!!! Great job!! Are you still workin out and goin to the classes?