Saturday, October 22, 2005

Just checking in.

This past week was CRAZY busy. We had parent-teacher conferences, which means that I lost my evenings and fell horribly behind on paper-grading. Luckily, a) my teacher took pity on me and graded 90 6-page geography tests, and b) my good friend Anna helped me grade some more assignments today. As of now, I am once again caught up on my grading and I am quite happy.

Conferences went well. It gave me my first exposure to defending my grading practices and principles to some not-very-happy parents. (However, I must say, that even THAT wasn't too bad; we had expected some pretty irate confrontations--from what I hear, these things can get ugly--but for the most part, everyone was more-or-less civil.)

Today, Anna and I rewarded our hard work with a trip to the apple orchard. Note: if you're short like me (5'4"), bringing a tall friend with you is a must (Anna is--and I'm estimating here--roughly the height of Shaq). We got the GOOD apples, way up high on the tree (once she stepped up on the crates, I'm pretty sure that she was actually TALLER than the trees). In addition to about 500 lbs of apples, we also got apple bread, apple butter and donuts (I saw "we," but mostly it was "me"). So please: if you know any good, yet fairly easy, apple recipes, send them my way.

NEXT weekend will be even more exciting, because we're making a trip to a psychic for my big 2-9. (Mom asked, "How will you know if she's for real?" I told her, "If she tells me what I want to hear, she's the real thing. If she tells me nothing but bad news, then clearly she's a fraud.") I already have my questions ready: 1) Will I ever get married? 2) Roughly WHEN will I get married? (I'm not looking for a date or even a month, but some kind of time frame would be nice.) and 3) Do I remotely know the person I'm going to marry, or has he yet to enter my life? I figure that everything I need to know about my future can be answered by those three questions. After all, I finally have this career thing figured out.

What's new with all of you?


Jen said...

I forgot to mention the Bearded Lady! A woman who was working at the orchard had an INSANE amount of facial hour around her neck and chin. I'm not talking about the occasional stray facial hair that many women get, either. Now, I hate to poke fun at her, in case she was suffering from a thyroid or hormonal condition, but DAMN.

Also, there was the Donut Nazi, who kept screaming at the emploees, "Make sure X and Y gets done or NO ONE GOES HOME!!!" I almost lost it when Anna leaned over and whispered to me, "Do you think WE'RE allowed to go, or do we have to stay, too?" I would have laughed out loud, except I was too scared.

Nik said...

I'm glad you made it through conferences with at least some semblance of sanity. Sounds like you kids had good times at the orchard. Really though, I'm curious, how tall is Anna? I'm not even gonna comment on the psychic thing, but I will say this, I'm willing to bet she won't give you bad news. Ya know why? Because you're paying her, so she's not gonna piss on your campfire.
Rob, your picture is awesome!

Jen said...

"Piss on your campfire." LOL. Anyway, this psychic comes highly recommended by some friends of ours, so I bet she's good.

Anna's probably 5'11", if I had to guess. But to me, she looks REALLY tall.

Mom said...


Apple Nazi


Jen said...

The cookies, sure. That other thing--it sounds good, but it uses way too much equipment. I'm not nearly that advanced.

Jen said...

You lost me after "preheat the oven."