Monday, December 15, 2008

And in the financial world...

As you may recall, my roommate works in the financial industry by day (and blazes up at night, but that's a whole 'nother post). Apparently, a rumor has been going around for a while now and the institution of a new form of currency: called the Amero, it would be a uniform currency for Canada, the U.S and Mexico. From what he says, this was initially thought to be a "conspiracy theory"-type rumor (and even now, if you research it online, there's no definite proof or verification of this Amero). However, he says that, in fact, there IS something going on with the Amero and there's certainly more credence to those rumors than most people know.* So just tuck it away in the corner of your mind and remember: when/if it does come to fruition, you heard it here first.

*Disclaimer: his eyes happened to be quite red and blood-shot as he was imparting this wisdom tonight (see first sentence.) ;)


Renee said...

Hahahahahahah! I loved wisdom imparted by people who are stoned off their ass :-)

Anonymous said...

Weird. It'd be like an American Euro. Ah ha! That's why they're calling it an Ameri! I just figured that out. I'm smart.
I don't think the US'll go for it.

Nik said...

In my experiences w/ people who've rocked ganj and then spit knowledge, it's usually nothing more than bullshit. The concept is intriguing though. I don't think it'll ever happen, but it would be cool of we could get rid of all the damn Canadian money floating around. Either that or make vending machines that will actually accept it.