Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And I leave you with this...

I totally jacked this from Randy's blog, but I feel that it perfectly captures my sentiments as I leave my life in Michigan and return to my life in Florida.



Randy said...

LMAO!!! That's one of my all-time favorite "Office" quotes....I bust out laughing every time!

Good luck in your travels and I hope Florida treats you great. Be safe!

Fred said...

I want to be just like Michael when I grow up.

Nik said...

Hehehe, you jacked Randy. Hope he thoroughly enjoyed it. Just keep your toxic twat away from him, he's good people Jen.

Random Office clips are always good times. WORD!

Renee said...

Have a safe trip home! Wuff you.

**going back to kitchen**


Renee said...

Wait. Is Michigan your bro or your ho? LOL.

**runs back to kitchen**

Nik said...

Florida is soooooo the HO!!!! Did u even have to ask, really?!?!?!

PS- word verification seriously is "unsatho" Coincidence?!?! LMFAO, ya just can't make this stuff up

Nik said...

Ha! Nee, I just saw your back to the kitchen comments.... U may leave the kitchen when we tell u to. You've got plenty of time til my birthday, just don't spend too much time out of the kitchen. We NEED yer goodies.

With neverending love,
Your Whore.

Renee said...

But she's going BACK to the HO

Nik said...

Sometimes we can't help but go back to the ho, Nee. It's like crack, ya know u shuldn't, but ya can't stop. lmfao

Jen said...

You know, when I saw that I had 9 comments on this post, I got all excited--till I saw that most of it was Nik and Nee being dumbasses.

However, Nik, your "toxic twat" comment totally cracked me up. You're a bitch, but you're a funny bitch.

Renee said...

Now you can read our dumbass-ness and think fondly of us and miss us, now that you're so far away again :-)

Fred said...

I'm offended. I always thought I was a dumbass, too. Looks like I have to try harder.

Jen said...

Fred: you didn't get into a philosophical dicussion about which state was the "bro" and which one was the "ho." So no: you're still, dare I say, relatively normal.

Renee said...

LOL. Fred, I guess you'll have to try harder if you want to be lumped in the dumbass category with Nik and me... We take it to a whole new level ;-)

Anonymous said...

LMAO at work watching this in my cube!

LOL at Nee & Nik!

Nik said...

Jen, you luff us and you know it. We're the dumbasses that make your world go 'round. WORD