Monday, October 01, 2007

Are you freakin' kidding me?

"LONDON (AFP) - Tickets for the Spice Girls' comeback concert in London sold out in just 38 seconds, the show's organisers announced on Monday. "


Edward said...

Proof of the decline of Western Civilization!

Anonymous said...

I guess that's what they want, what they really, really want.

keesh said...

anna you are funny...
and they have added another show because of it ;)...

JH said...

i am still trying to get over their movie - trying to reclaim that hour of my life I will never be able to get back. I think I could sue.. hmmm.

Renee said...

LMAO, Anna!

JH, I'm embarrassed for you that you even WATCHED the movie :-)

Nik said...

Ahh, sadly this is the world we live in.

*Can't wait til they come to this side of the pond* hehehe

Anonymous said...

wow, that's even faster than Hannah Montana.
I couldn't get tickets. :-)

JH said...

in my defense it was a girl's night in college with a lot of wine and we thought it would be funny. but it turns out that no amount of wine could make that movie even watchable.

Renee said...

Deb, I hope to GOD you were trying to get Hannah Montana tickets for Paige...