Monday, January 15, 2007


At least I'm getting on the GOOD spam lists now....just got this email:

Subj: Sexaholics in your area!!

Finally--instead of information about Viagra or penis pumps, some info *I* can use! Whoo hooo!


Nik said...

I've been getting multiple emails daily to hook me up with a "fuck buddy". Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a fuck buddy someone who's already a friend of yours, not just some random person from the net? I don't know, maybe thhose rules changed, what do I know?!?!

Jen, congrats! Hopefully that info didn't cost you too much money. How close is your nearest sexaholic? When ya hookin up? hehehehe

Renee--touche (with the lil line above the "e" to make it sound like 'ay) LOL

Jen said...

Actually, those fuck buddy emails are from me.