Wednesday, January 10, 2007


For the last two hours, I've been meaning to enter some grades into the computer...

and then I started reading this blog about a woman and her wedding preparations and, well....time flies.


LoraLoo said...

Hey, just rambled over from Nik's place...

I was a bridesmaid in this wedding, that's my friend Amy. Time sure does fly, I was dizzy the whole year of preparations...LOL

Jen said...

Loraloo--really?? I stumbled onto HER page from Fred's page....LOVE IT. Wish I hadda been following it all in "real time" instead of after the fact. I'm still getting caught up. =-)

Nik said...

Okay, now this is just really, really weird! Gotta love blogland--making new friends and the circle just keeps getting bigger.