Non-answers from LP
Some of you already got the email, but here we go again (with feeling!).
Originally, my follow-up with the neuro was going to be next week. However, when that was rescheduled to Feb. 13, I decided to call the office to try to find out some more information about the LP results (something other than the cryptic "fine" or "okay" result I received on my voicemail last week).
Thanks to my friends on the MS board, I knew exactly what to ask about. I left a message for his assistant, Missy (who is becoming my new best friend), inquiring about the presence of O-bands and my IgG levels. Here's what she reported back:
1) No O-bands were found in my spinal fluid. Remember, that doesn't necessarily mean anything, since they don't always show up right away in MS patients and 10% of patients NEVER develop them. However,
2) My IgG levels were actually BELOW normal; in MS patients, they're typically elevated. Missy said she has a note in to the doc to ask what this means in regards to MS (does it rule it out? Is it indicative of something else?) and she'd let me know.
Shoot, I should have known that this would be a rocky road to diagnosis when the neuro's first words to me, upon seeing the brain spots on the MRI for the very first time, were, "I gotta tell you, I don't know what in the HELL those are."
I've been trying to research this myself and apparently, there's a distinct possibility that I have prostate cancer.
Good luck with the prostate cancer! Hope you get that taken care of. lol
this prostate's been nothin but trouble for years....
I just read an article talking about how we women just don't pay enough attention to our prostate health. We'll have to start calling each other and reminding each other to get our prostate's checked. (kinda like the whole remind a friend to do breast exam, or sing "happy pap day" to reming them about girlie check lmao)
I'm actually snorting right now. Hahhahahahhhahaha
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