Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy Birthday!

In a little over an hour, it is my daughter's 14th birthday.

I'll just let you sit on that one for a while.


I don't know what's scarier; the fact that she's 14 or the fact that in another year, she'll be the age I was when I got pregnant with her.



keesh said...

Happy Birthday Amanda!! Wow, 14! that is just so hard to believe. I have a 14 year old niece...that seems so grown up. Did you get to see her when you were home at all?

Jen said...

Hahahahha....she's definitely my kid.

I was talking to her on the phone, and she was telling me this story about this guy she liked.

"And so I said to him, 'So you know that movie...what's it know, the one about snakes on a plane?' And he goes, 'Yeah, it's called Snakes on a Plane' and I was like, 'Oh.' "


keesh said...

Did you see her when you were home?

Jen said...

yup, i saw her the day i met you guys for lunch

keesh said...

That's great! got any new pics to email or post for us?

Nik said...

Ha-- me and Missy were talking about this yesterday. It just seems so weird that she's 14 years old. Hope she had a wonderful birthday though.

It's sad that there's another Jen in this world though. lmao j/k You know I love ya.

Fred said...

Just think, I've been through the age 14 thing three times. And, somehow, I'm still alive to tell about it.

Happy Birthday to Amanda.

Jen said...

it's not too hard anymore...I think cuz it's too long ago to remember =-)