Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Second interview update

My 2nd interview was today. I walked in and there were SIX OR SEVEN PEOPLE sitting at the conference table....and then they sat me at the head of it. Not too intimidating at all. Principal, vice principal, a few teachers, a PARENT....I think the President may have been sitting there, too.

Anyway, I was able to answer all of the questions (I don't know how WELL, though) and I was even able to relax a little bit and let my personality come through (God help us all, LOL). I made them laugh quite a few times (in a god way...I think). So we'll see.

The bad news is that there would still be ANOTHER round of interviews after this, so my waiting is far from over, even if I manage to make it through this round. The good news is that I MAY have done well enough to actually MAKE it to the last (and final) round. But I've been sooo nervous the last few days, and I hate to think that I may have to go through it all one more time before this is all over--and that's if I'm lucky. ;)

Keep your fingers crossed...


Jen said...

I'm assuming late this week or early next week...maybe not till next week, since Mem. Day weekend is coming up

keesh said...

Oh J - I am sure you did great!

Mom said...

They'd be crazy not to hire you.

Jen said...

they're calling my references, so at least they're still somewhat interested in me.