Sunday, May 14, 2006

It's done

I've spent the last five days "respecting his needs"...and after talking to Missy and Nikki last night, I realized that I was tired of forgetting all about MINE. So when I saw him online today, I said, "If this whole thing has nothing to do with me and youre just dealin with some stuff, could u let me know? And on that same note, if you're gonna dump me or something, i'd really rather just know that now. i've tried to respect your needs and all that, but i also hope you'll respect mine by giving me some idea of what's going on with you." I also let him know that I still had a shirt at his place that I'd really kind of like to wear to my interview tomorrow. Finally got this IM back: "I'm sorry but right now life is so chaotic for me, and all I can be is Isabelle's Dad and Kira's Uncle."

To paraphrase the eloquent Nikki, "That's a fuck-off if I ever heard one." (She was actually referring to his voicemail but hell, I think it fits just as well here.)

Did I make mistakes along the way? Sure I did. But there's a whole lot that he could have done differently on his end, as well.

Talk about a crash and burn.


keesh said...

BULLSHIT, LOOSER, ASSWIPE....move on girl, you deserve better...

Jen said...

Kish, how do you really feel?


keesh said...

I think he is a pansy, a true pansy. I think at this point you are being too nice to him. I can't handle bull shit today, it is Mother's day and I am still not speaking to my holding back today...

Jen said...

Happy Mother's Day, Kish! I'm sorry it's not a very happy one for you.

And really, don't be too hard on him. I mean, let's face it, I most likely had a role in all of this.

I got this card from my sister today. On the front it says, "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!"

And inside it says:

"Oops, I meant 'Sister.'

(Ever since you became her, I have trouble telling you two apart.)"

LOLOL. Low blow, but she got off a good one this year, that's for sure.

Bree said...

Thanks for visiting my post Jen.
Sorry about the douchebag. Keep your head up!

Men have a hard time multi-tasking to begin with :-)That's two whole people he has to focus on... poor thing. ;-)

I'm sure you will do much better.

LoraLoo said...

Ugh, one of the things I hated most about dating was the guessing game - and dating men who couldn't be honest. You deserve more respect than a cop-out when you asked for the truth (a truth you shouldn't have had to ask for!). Oh well, another lesson learned - take it for what it's worth and move on.

Mom said...

I agree, you CAN do better. Not that you want to hear that right now but...

the right one is still out there some where.

Jen said...

PS--Anna, THIS was the Post-It Breakup, ala Sex and the City. At least with Tyson, he had 1) a pretty indepth email, 2) a follow up phone call and c) an in person meeting.

Jen said...

No, just the IM. One line. Therefore, clearly on the Post It playing field.

Jen said...

and he's actually being a TOTAL DICK right now. I picked up my stuff on Sunday but he forgot a couple of things. I've called him a couple of times and left msgs about when I could pick the rest up or whatever and he STILL wont answer the phone or, for that matter, call me back at all. He's just completely ignoring me now. I don't know WHAT the hell I's obvious this is way beyond the email I sent him last week or whatever. This goes a lot deeper and it's just, I guess, that he's an ass. Really hard to accept, though.

I mean, I get it...his life is just so crazy-busy now without whatever has apparently happened in the last week to make it so "chaotic," but damn this isn't just about him. TWO people are involved in this little situation here.

I'm just...really surprised that he could go from "falling for me" to just...completely cutting me out of his life just like that, literally overnight.

Jen said...

WITH everything that's happened, not "without"

Nik said...

I'm not gonna say much about this (considering that most of it's not constructive anyways), but ya know what Jen? You need to quit beating yourself up because these people that you are seeing turn out to not be the knight in shining armour that you thought they were. Why do you insist that YOU did something to fuck things up? The only thing that you do/could take blame for(IMO) is build these people up into something they're not and then blame yourself when you start to see that they aren't the dreamy, future-husband you wanted them to be.

I realize that that sounds harsh, but you know I don't mean that in a mean-spirited way. I just don't know how else to word it. You know I love you, I just can't stand the way you always come down so hard on yourself.

Jen said...

Well of COURSE I take full responsibility for everything in relationships and assume it's my fault...cuz this is ME, and usually, it is. =-) You know how I am...whether it's intentional or not, I am gifted at f'ing up relationships.

Jen said...

Actually, no, at this point, I can pretty much fight by myself if I really want to. ;)

But yeah, I hear you.