I'm a fitness ma-cheen
I was just b*tchin' to Missy the other night how I'm up about 9 lbs from my low point last winter, and how I can't seem to get the scale to go down no matter what I do. I'm eating the same as I was, working out the same--what the hell?
Then I realized: when I first started to lose weight, exercising 30 minutes, 4 (or so) times a week was a big change for me, so of course it had a major effect on my body. The problem is, I've been doing that for over a year now. As a result, I'm in much better shape than I was back then (AND I'm getting healthier overall; shit, I ate VEGETABLES at lunch the other day. PEAS, even), and that same exercise routine just isn't cutting it for the lean-and-mean me. So now, clearly, I have to step it up.
For now, I'll increase it to 40 minutes at a time and see what that does. I'm also going to stop eating the school lunch (teachers get to eat free, so I figured, sure, why not?); unfortunately, school lunches these days are FAAARRR from healthy. Seriously. The "entree" is almost always fried; if we get fruit it's usually canned and swimming in fruit syrup; and the vegetables--well, I think the nutrional value has been processed right out of them. I am willing to bet that if I make the workout changes and replace the school lunch with a Lean Cuisine, I'll see some pretty decent results right there.
Of course, I should probably stop buying bulk candy at Costco, too (but COME ON--**30** FULL-SIZE candy bars for $10?! They're practically GIVING it away!). And, hmm, I bet all the drinking I've been doing since beginning my teaching career hasn't helped, either--but screw that, the drinking's staying.
So: here we go again.
Starting weight: 149 (I can still fit into all my size 8 clothes so it's not TOO bad yet, but I better get it under control before strangers start asking me when the baby's due)
Inches: I'm too damn lazy to get up and get the tape measure, but I think my waist was about a 31
Shit, bust size a 41. I am pretty sure mine is on the negative side...HA!
Great job Jen! me and fitness don't go very good together...
32 waist?? that's AWESOME!!!!
it was sometime last summer, i think, when we started this tracking thing, if that helps. may-aug 2005 I think...I'll have to look it up this weekend.
Jen - check out The Abs Diet. (I am not a paid endorser.) It was a winner for me. I lost 30 pounds last summer and settled into a 20-pound weight loss.
I wasn't going for the six-pack abs, but rather, it was the diet that was highly recommended by a friend.
Or, cut out the food and just drink beer. That works wonders.
Fred, I'll check it out.
And yes, I am a 31. I've always been thicker in the middle; I dont HAVE a waist, remember? My hips are 35.
Actually, I fluctuate between 30 and 31, depending on how bloated I am.
Shit, they WERE 34, at my skinniest.
Yeah, I'm REALLY thin through there, but at least you HAVE a defined waist. I go straight down from boobs to knees with no kind of definition or shape.
Love, Prebubescent Boy
Now I totally have Baby Got Back in my head.
Cuz your waist is small and your curves are kickin
And I'm thinkin bout stickin
And my dream body is Beyonce, I think.
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