Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm a fitness ma-cheen

I was just b*tchin' to Missy the other night how I'm up about 9 lbs from my low point last winter, and how I can't seem to get the scale to go down no matter what I do. I'm eating the same as I was, working out the same--what the hell?

Then I realized: when I first started to lose weight, exercising 30 minutes, 4 (or so) times a week was a big change for me, so of course it had a major effect on my body. The problem is, I've been doing that for over a year now. As a result, I'm in much better shape than I was back then (AND I'm getting healthier overall; shit, I ate VEGETABLES at lunch the other day. PEAS, even), and that same exercise routine just isn't cutting it for the lean-and-mean me. So now, clearly, I have to step it up.


For now, I'll increase it to 40 minutes at a time and see what that does. I'm also going to stop eating the school lunch (teachers get to eat free, so I figured, sure, why not?); unfortunately, school lunches these days are FAAARRR from healthy. Seriously. The "entree" is almost always fried; if we get fruit it's usually canned and swimming in fruit syrup; and the vegetables--well, I think the nutrional value has been processed right out of them. I am willing to bet that if I make the workout changes and replace the school lunch with a Lean Cuisine, I'll see some pretty decent results right there.

Of course, I should probably stop buying bulk candy at Costco, too (but COME ON--**30** FULL-SIZE candy bars for $10?! They're practically GIVING it away!). And, hmm, I bet all the drinking I've been doing since beginning my teaching career hasn't helped, either--but screw that, the drinking's staying.

So: here we go again.

Starting weight: 149 (I can still fit into all my size 8 clothes so it's not TOO bad yet, but I better get it under control before strangers start asking me when the baby's due)
Inches: I'm too damn lazy to get up and get the tape measure, but I think my waist was about a 31


keesh said...

Shit, bust size a 41. I am pretty sure mine is on the negative side...HA!

Great job Jen! me and fitness don't go very good together...

Jen said...

32 waist?? that's AWESOME!!!!

Jen said...

it was sometime last summer, i think, when we started this tracking thing, if that helps. may-aug 2005 I think...I'll have to look it up this weekend.

Fred said...

Jen - check out The Abs Diet. (I am not a paid endorser.) It was a winner for me. I lost 30 pounds last summer and settled into a 20-pound weight loss.

I wasn't going for the six-pack abs, but rather, it was the diet that was highly recommended by a friend.

Or, cut out the food and just drink beer. That works wonders.

Jen said...

Fred, I'll check it out.

And yes, I am a 31. I've always been thicker in the middle; I dont HAVE a waist, remember? My hips are 35.

Jen said...

Actually, I fluctuate between 30 and 31, depending on how bloated I am.

Jen said...

Shit, they WERE 34, at my skinniest.

Yeah, I'm REALLY thin through there, but at least you HAVE a defined waist. I go straight down from boobs to knees with no kind of definition or shape.

Jen said...

Love, Prebubescent Boy

Jen said...

Now I totally have Baby Got Back in my head.

Cuz your waist is small and your curves are kickin
And I'm thinkin bout stickin

And my dream body is Beyonce, I think.