Saturday, November 06, 2004

Who's driving?


Jen said...


Somehow, I think Anna will appreciate this more than you. =-)

keesh said...

I am with Renee. Regardless of how i voted, I think it would be the same if Kerry won. People would be running from "him" too.

Jen said...

Jeff, you aren't allowed to talk anymore.


Jen said...

In CAnada, they can get TOTALLY naked. Men AND women.

You'll see at my bachelorette party.

Jen said...


Love you. ;)

Jen said...

No, but you might want to take a good, long hard look at your marriage.


keesh said...

Renee- I agree with Jen, you might want to take a good look at your marriage :).

So Jen- for a special occassion you can hire Renee a female stripper :)> you guys are funny!

keesh said...

I have been several times, not in canada (the thought of naked strippers in this day and age makes me sick), but it is more entertaining than it is a turn on for me. I have no major desire to go that is for sure. It was fun in the younger years but it isn't for me....but it is fun for a good laugh.

Jen said...

That's just it--I don't think ANYONE gets "turned on" at these places. (Women looking at the men, I mean.) It's more of a chance to go out with the girls and have fun.