Friday, November 05, 2004

Oh, and by the way...

Happy Birthday, Kishelle!

(It was actually on the 1st, but y'all know that I'm a little "slow.") ;)


keesh said...

Thanks for the shot out Jen. Hope you feel better soon!

keesh said...

Thanks Renee. Not too much. Shawn was home the weekend before my birthday and so we did a lot of family time together and I got to go shopping so that was all right up my ally. Hopefully this weekend I can sneak out of the house for a little adult time :).

keesh said...

Thanks Renee. Not too much. Shawn was home the weekend before my birthday and so we did a lot of family time together and I got to go shopping so that was all right up my ally. Hopefully this weekend I can sneak out of the house for a little adult time :).

keesh said...

Thanks Nik. When is your birthday....

Jen said...

Nov...something. 16 or 17?