Friday, November 19, 2004

Happy Anniversary.

On Saturday--in just a couple of hours--it will be the 4-week anniversary of my quitting smoking. (Notice that I'm counting in weeks rather than months. I quit smoking on Oct. 23, so it won't be a full month until November 23.) I have to say, too, that I'm doing pretty well. In the entire 4 weeks, I only slipped up once--and that was last Wednesday, the day I both went to court for my "financial issues" and Jeff and I had a particularly heinous fight. All in all, it was a pretty rough day. I actually bought a pack that day, but I only smoked about 6 of them before I tossed the pack out. So I'm actually pretty proud of myself--this is the longest I've gone in quite some time and with the fewest slip-ups (by far). (My record for quitting was set in my junior year of college, when I lasted about 2 months--until finals hit, that is.)

November 23 is special for another reason, too. It's Jeff and my's six month anniversary. Six months. Half a year. Can you believe it? In a lot of ways, it seems so much longer than that. Right from our first date, I've felt so comfortable with him, so natural, so "settled," that I've had to keep reminding myself that we HAVEN'T been together forever. At the same time, though, part of me feels like--holy shit, six months ALREADY?

So here's to Jeff (a few days early) and here's to not smoking. (If I can make it through the end of this uber-stressful semester as a non-smoker, then I'm pretty sure I can make it through anything.)


keesh said...

I am so proud of you Jen. Not just for the smoking, not just for your relationship with Jeff, but for the person you are. you have worked so hard and have been through so much and yet have always remained true to who you are. Love ya girl and keep it up, I know it is hard. I have slipped up 4 times in the last year!

Jen said...

Awwww....thank you, Kishelle. Did I ever tell you that you're my favorite? (But don't tell Anna or Renee or Lisa.)


Lisa: don't feel bad, hardly ANYONE has seen me recently. The bulk of my semester ends on Dec 7; trig is done on Dec. 20--hopefully, I can use Christmas break to catch up with everyone. (I'm not going home for Thanksgiving, even, for only like the 2nd time in my life.) But I can't wait to see your house!!

keesh said...

I haven't seen Jenn since my wedding, April of 2000. Although she comes home sometimes and is only 20 minutes away from my house when she does come home, she never attempts to call me or get together....if her Dad still lives where he use to, he is less then 5 minutes from my house. what up with that Jen???

Jen said...


keesh said...

what the hell does that mean???

Jen said...

Yeah, I love how Kishelle posts a really sweet Tribute to Jen and then bitches me out about two posts later. ;)

Jen said...

Yeah, well, lately when I go home it's for like 36 hours and I don't even see my all of my FAMILY, let alone friends. But yes, I suck.

Jen said...

And let ME add that when I DO see Renee these days, SHE comes to ME. ;) So one could point out that Kishelle has NEVER come to see me in Detroit, eh?

keesh said...

Ah yes, as i recall I had plans to come see you a few years ago with your sister, but then I ended up with strep throat, then my wedding, then I had a baby. And since you are the one that moved away and since you DO have family by me that you see once in a while, it is easier for you to make it here then for me there. But if your life ever slows down and you are willing to meet halfway, I would do that too.......and just for fun BITE ME for wanting to see you....

Jen said...

Renee: for a minute, I thought you might be on my side. Then I realized that you suck.

Kishelle: I love you too. ;)

We need to have a Blog Party, where everyone who posts here gets together and we can talk and bullshit in person. Oh, grand fun.

Jen said...

LOL. Actually, I was going to make you all come to Detroit.


Jen said...

Renee, shouldnt you be out picking potatoes and plucking the turkey and growing the corn for your from-scratch meal?


keesh said...

good one Jen! Ok, I spent a fortune at the store and i am not even cooking the turkey or any of the "big" stuff. it costs money to get rolls, plastic ware, napkins, juice boxes for the kids, butter, Jen, have no fear, i spent a ton as well. Happy Turkey day everyone. now I have to go peal a billion potatoes, ok not a billion, but a lot! enough to feed 13 or some...

Jen said...

Yeah, but Kish, you're feeding like 15...not TWO. =-)