Sunday, October 24, 2004

Baby momma drama.

Here's the update on the situation with "my baby's momma." I know it's been a few days but frankly, I was pretty upset and didn't want to talk about it.

Basically, when we talked, she told me that she "wasn't ready for Amanda to know the truth" and she "was Amanda's mom and didn't want that to change" and she "didn't want to have to share Amanda"--which apparently is what she thinks is going to happen once Amanda finds out. Notice that it's all about HER and not about what might be best for the actual kid involved. The closest she came to being concerned about Amanda's best interest was stating that she had just started middle school and she was just getting settled and she didn't want to throw this kind of upheaval into her life. Oh--and there is a divorce and a bankruptcy in their near future, and she thinks that Amanda will have enough to deal with with all of that.

So, not only am I upset about ANOTHER mind change but now I got to hear all the details about the crap that's been going on in their family. Sure looks like I picked a healthy, stable environment for my daughter, huh? No money and a broken home? Shit, *I* could have given her that.

Anyway, as I said, it looks like she WON'T be told any time soon, after all. Oh--and apparently, Amanda witnessed various acts of domestic violence between her parents. Lovely. (Although, I must say, if there was ever a justifiable reason for hitting a woman, I'd say that Juan has it.)

And that's all I have to say about that.

On a positive note--I'm back on the patch. 24 hours cigarette free--and counting!


Anonymous said...

WOW!, She has alot of fucking nerve. You no if Amanda is asking about it and Andrea decides to basically ignore it, when she actually does tell her the truth Amanda is going to be so mad she is going to end up probably having alot of hateful feelings towards Andrea and possibly alot of other people.

Anonymous said...

By the way the comment posted at 5:59 was from Melissa and I also wanted to say congradulations on the patch. And how often does Juan see the kids? Do you know? Ya know there relationship was not good when they adopted Amanda and them they adopted Able. Whats that all about? Ya know how alot of stupid girls get pregnant "on purpose" because they think there boyfriend will stay with them, well I think it's even dumber (alittle bit), for Andrea to go and adopt a bunch of kids knowing her and Juan were not getting along and that they probably would not make it because Juan is to good for her-- Man if she is not the dumbest person in the world she at least in the top 5. From Melissa

Jen said...

LOL Missy...I'm not sure how often Juan sees them, since he lives out in this area now. I think it used to be every other weekend, but now he won't be home again till Thanksgiving or something.

Jen said...

PS--48 hours and counting!