Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sham-Wow Song

Maybe it's the meds, but I found this to be hilarious. These 2 guys took the Sham-Wow infomercial (which is classic in and of itself) and used it to write a song. They took the exact informercial (word for word--adding nothing, deleting nothing) and set it to music. Like I said, I'm pretty doped up right now, but I was mightily entertained.


Renee said...

LOL. I'm totally unmedicated and found it to be pretty entertaining :-)

Anonymous said...

I think you're both high. I think the guys in the video might be high, too. We're gonna have to find those guys something more to do with themselves.

Renee said...

LOL. I really HAVE heard amazing things about the Sham Wow. One of John's peers went out and bought one and poured a bottle of water on their floor and said it was unbelievable how quickly it soaked it up. I think I'm gonna get some when I go to Target this afternoon. The most exciting part for me is using on my hand-wash clothes. Because right now, pretty much every piece of clothing that needs to be handwashed is in a pile at the bottom of a laundry basket. It's a pain in the ass to hand wash stuff and then it takes forever to dry. Not with the Sham Wow, my friends. Not with the Sham Wow.

Anonymous said...

Let us know how it goes.
Our local TV news tried it and they thought it was about the same as a towel.

Renee said...

Really? That sucks. I didn't make it to Target yesterday, but am going today. I'll let ya'll know!