Saturday, November 15, 2008

Go buy PEOPLE!

Or at least read it in the checkout line. It's the issue with the Obamas on the cover. There is a very intelligent, compassionate, well-written Letter to the Editor this week from a clearly incredible Ft. Myers, FL woman.

I'm just sayin'. ;)


sparkydiva said...

i wish i had known this, say, an HOUR AGO when i was at the store *sigh*...

Jen said...

LOL. Sorry. I forgot to mention it. =-)

keesh said...

I looked for it and didn't see it in the issue. i will look again. i got it today while buying cold medication for myself....thought it might be in there :) i will look again.

Jen said...

IT's the letter under "Heroes in Hard Times". It's in the issue that says "The Obamas' New Life", dated Nov. 24. Look near the beginning under letters.

keesh said...

yup, that is the issue i got. I will look again.

sparkydiva said...

AWESOME! my friend jen was in people and it wasn't 'cuz she was smokin crack or flashin her vajayjay! :)

Renee said...

She DOES like to flash her vajayjay, though. AND smoke crack. It's purely coincidental that she was doing neither of those things at the time she was published :-)

Jen, you and your mom are probably both in the running for World's Most Published Letters to the Editor. LOL. Deb is ALWAYS in the Sentinel!

Jen said...

Yeah, but mine is NATIONAL shit. Holla!

Nik said...

I don't, nor will I, buy People mag. Any chance you'd be willing to post what ya wrote? Oh and in response to your most recent post, I just wanna send you some hugs. It'll get better.

Renee, you fuckin crack me up.

Anonymous said...

LOL Renee! So true!

I wanted to buy that People mag but I don't usually let myself buy them. You've given me just the push to do what I wanted to do in the first place! I can't wait to see your letter!