Thursday, December 14, 2006

Two months later...

Here are a couple of pictures from my hungover birthday trip to the gun range.

My most flattering picture? Perhaps not. But NO ONE looks good in those goggles and "ears."

See? I told you I didn't suck.


Nik said...

Damn, too bad you're my sister, cuz seriously, you're rockin those goggles and headphones somethin fierce! Make me wanna shoop, shoop, shoop! hehehe

Looks like ya did pretty damn good. So when's sniper training then?

Jen said...

LOL. You know you want me.

keesh said...

Damn, you lookin fine with that bad ass you is my rough neck nigga :)...

Nik said...

OMG, tears are streaming down my face right now from laughing my ass off.

Kish (of all ppl) referring to Jen as her rough neck nigga. I can't stop laughing.

Jen said...

OK just FYI, I'm in HOlland right now and these pictures look a LOT blurrier on this computer than they do on my laptop and at school. Weird. I wonder if that's a dialup (and therefor lower-quality, maybe?) thing

keesh said...

There is a story time back in the day...Jen was having issues with a boy she liked who had decided they should maybe see other people...after about an hour of her laying in the back seat not saying a word, that song comes on...Jen pops her little head up and says 'he was my rough neck nigga" and lays back was hysterical...