Monday, November 07, 2005

I ran today!

And I wasn't chasing an ice cream truck or a hottie at the end of the street or ANYTHING.

It was only for a minute or so at a time, but I did it TWICE. (I'll tell you what, though: those seemed like some long-ass minutes.)


Jen said...

Well, I will say this:

1) I run with my arms kind of crossed/held against my boobs to keep them in place.

2) Plus, I had a windbreaker on, which "hid" a lot of the bouncing (I couldnt' do it during the summer, for example--I tried, but I was too self conscious about people driving by and seeing them flying about, all willy-nilly).

Jen said...

Oh trust me, it's very uncomfortable, as well...but I can run holding ON to my boobs, if I had to. IT's more what people would think, though. =-)

Jen said...

Like I said, it was only for like 60 seconds at a time...and I couldnt breathe for about 10 min. afterwards. =-)

Nik said...

You ppl are fuckin nuts. I love how a post about running turns into a convo about boobs. It's awesome.
Nothing like seeing Jen running down the road, doing the porno titty grab while she's at it!

Pseudo-intellectual lunatic said...

cool blog