Wednesday, August 29, 2007

SUCH a good show

I'm watching a documentary on TLC right now called "Crazy Sexy Cancer." It's about a young woman (20s or 30s) who was diagnosed with stage 4, incurable cancer. There's basically no treatment options left to her, so the show documents her journey for alternative treatments. Like she said, "I just feel helpless just sitting here. I have to try SOMETHING." She also interviews other young women with cancer along the way. "CSC" is surprisingly funny AND sad. It's just a one-time documentary (not a series or anything), but if you missed it, I HIGHLY recommend finding out when it'll be airing again.


Renee said...

Oh, shit! I wanted to watch that! I'm sure it'll be on again; I just have to figure out when :-)

Anonymous said...

I saw part of that last night! I thought it was really cool, and so nice that they all survived!

Renee said...

ANNA!! So good to hear from you (on the blog), my friend!

Anonymous said...

Renee and Jen I am sure that this is extreamly rude to interupt, but.
Well see, i was bored at work and typed my own name into google,(Im a dork)and ended up at renee's 2005 post with my name in it;)but now im lost in blogg world and laughing my butt off, remembering you girls. would love to talk to you. I dont know how !!!!!

Jen said...

Uh oh we weren't talkin smack were we? quick, renee, go back to that post and see what we said!! ;)

Hey Lisa, email me at jlkrzys. It's a Yahoo account.

Renee said...

LISA GLU----?! I just got goosebumps! I've wondered about you SO MANY times throughout the years... I would love to talk to you, too!! I don't want to put my email on here, so email Jen and we'll get each other's info from her :-)

Renee said...

LOL! Here's the post that Lisa was talking about (my use of her name is in the comments section).

Anonymous said...

Lisa from law school? Coo-L! How's the lawyer gig going?

Anonymous said...

I just went back and saw the post and comments.
OK, not Lisa from law school, oops.
I remember Fred & LoB! Man, those were the good ol' blogging days!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Cancer blog! I spent most of the morning there and love it!

Renee said...

LOL. Are you having a nice convo with yourself, sweetie? :-)

Jen said...

I don't know what made me laugh more, Anna's convo with herself or Renee's calling her OUT on it. LOL

Yeah, her blog is AWESOME. Glad I helped you have a productive day ;)

Anonymous said...

OK, well I would have deleted the post once I realized my error, but it wouldn't let me. But anyway, I don't think there's anything worng with talking to myself. So there!