Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blast From the Past (2, actually)

Oddly, I've heard from 2 exes in the last 24 hours. And I don't mean recent ones, either (although I did talk to one of them over the summer--and no, I don't mean Baby Daddy). Neither one are close enough to really do me any good, but it's still nice to hear various forms of "I miss you/wish you were here/thinking about you."

Also, not at all related to this topic, but I nailed a surprised observation/inspection today by our new Dean of Curriculum and Discipline. Holla!


Nik said...

Man, I was hoping one of them would be baby daddy. He's so entertaining.

Way to kick that observation/inspection's ass!!

Jen said...

LOL. I get emails from him still, of course. I pass on the best of the best though so yall don't miss out on anything. ;)

Renee said...

Holla! LOL, Nik.

Are you going to spill the beans on which two exes you've heard from?

Anonymous said...

Yes, which exes? I'm going to guess Eric from that other blog and Aaron. Am I right? Do I win anything?

Renee said...

I'm guessing Rob's punk ass and Tyson.

keesh said...

I am going to say Jeff and Tyson...

Jen said...

I'm not telling, other than to say...

Aaron?? Seriously??


(PS--Tyson doesn't count. We're in regular contact still. I meant exes I don't regularly hear from.)

And I should say, for one of them, the term "ex" may not be QUITE apprpriate, though it was still hot and heavy for a while.... ;)

keesh said...

and Jen gets the wench of the week award for teasing us...