Monday, September 25, 2006

Creepy crawlies

Last week, one of the teachers was out sick due to an allergic reaction. He'd had to go the ER in the middle of the night because (I later found out) a bite on his arm had started to affect him pretty severely. Friday after work, several of us Michigan teachers gathered for an impromptu "support group" meeting, and J. (the teacher in question) showed his battle scar (i.e., the bite site, which still looked pretty scary) and recounted his adventures.

APPARENTLY, the doctors say, he had been bitten/stung IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT--


by either a BLACK WIDOW SPIDER or

(it gets worse)


Like hurricanes and earthquakes weren't bad enough.

Fred and John, this was NOT on the "Come live in Florida" website.


JH said...

The grow them there bugs big in the south, its why I tell myself every year that I really love winter, despite the cold, snow shoveling miserable days, because it kills the bugs. In Missouri, I was always frightened of the brown racluse spider.

Fred said...

I won't tell you how many times we've been bitten by things crawling in the night.

Rememeber, they'll all be buried in snow in a few months up there, and you'll be wondering why you ever went through it all. It'll make it all worthwhile.

John Cowart said...

I'm a life-long Florida resident.

I saw a bug once.

Of course we don't put that sort of thing on the web site; who'd come teach the little darlin's if we did?

keesh said...

so if I, how will I ever sleep wondering if i will get bit by some random bug :)...

Jen said...

LOL John.

I'm going to start sleeping in a bee-keepers outfit, I do believe.

Mom said...

Renee -

I'm on my way.

Nik said...

Ha, now that's funny! I mean it's not funny about J. having to go through that and I really hope he's doing alright. But damn, black widows/scorpions, hurricanes, and earthquakes already and you've been there what, 3 months? I'll take a bit of cold and snow over that shit anyday!

Jen said...

Actually, I just hit 2 months.

I know, it seems a lot longer.