Friday, September 22, 2006

The first week of school (all over again)

We recently "redid" the middle school in two major ways. First, we "leveled" the kids (grouping them by ability level), so our classes were now completely different (as far as who is in which class). In some cases this was a good thing (we were able to separate some kids who shouldn't be together, and it put all of our more advanced--and generally better-behaved kids--into one class. The flip side of this, of course, is that all the lower students (who are also more likely to be the "problem-behavior" kids) are all in the same class, as well. (Remember me telling you about the one class who was giving me some problems, the class I had to lay the smack down on? Well, at least before, roughly half the class were "good," well-behaved kids. Now we've taken the worst-behaved kids from both 7th grade classes and stuck them all together. Yes, FANTASTIC idea.)

Second, we completely overhauled the schedule, making room for an entire extra period--for most kids, this is a reading intervention class. Guess who's teaching the lowest-level reading group for all of middle school (6th AND 7th; we combined grades for this particular period)? Yup. The brand-new teacher. Again, FABULOUS idea.

Anyway, since both the classes and the schedule have changed, this past week was basically like the first week of school all over again. In a sense, that was good for me--it allowed me to go back and "redo" some of my "learning experiences" from the first few weeks of class. It also let me come in strong (and stay that way) in my new Class From Hell (as we affectionally call it). And so far, so good--that's not to say that the kids have been perfect or that my classroom management is exemplary--far from it. However, when the principal came in for an "impromptu observation" during the CFH yesterday, they were all 1) in their seats 2) quiet and 3) participating in the class discussion.

It was my most successful, exciting and proud moment so far this year.


Mom said...

Great job!

Nik said...

I understand the concept of the re-grouping, can't say that I would have thought it to be a good idea. Hopefully things work out well for everybody and that this doesn't become a hindrance. And hey, just look at it this way, if you can get through this year with the CFH, there's nothing you can't do. And try not to look at is as a negative, even though ya may want to rip your hair out. But really, that's nothing but experience and lessons learned, as far as your career goes.

John Cowart said...

Let me see if I have this straight: they put the worst kids with the best, newest, right-out-of-the-box teacher?

Well, you wanted to make a difference. Here's a place you certainly will.

At least you're doing this in Florida instead of the bleak, frozen north.


PS: One of my daughters was put in the same boat of teaching the collected mass of behavior problem kids in her school. I wrote a short story for her -- "Bad Children/Good Children". I don't know how to put a link in these things but it's down toward the bottom on the left side of my regular website ( ). You might get a kick out of it too.

Fred said...


Are you ready for the wonderful weather now that it's fall?

Madre said...

I'm proud of you, Jen. You're terrific and you will make a big difference...starting right now.

JH said...


Jen said...

John: I'll be sure to check it out.

Fred: I'm looking forward to the "cooler" (ie, 80 degrees) fall weather, because this 90-in-late-September stuff is kicking my ass. My body clock/thermometer/whatever tells me that in September/early Oct, we're supposed to be cooling down, not heating up. It's down to the 60s back home (and into the 40s at night)...I'm just not used to seeing the sunblock and beach toys on the shelves next to the Halloween costumes and cornocopias, that's all. =-)

I'll stop bitching now. Yes, I know how good I have it. =-) But seriously, September has been SWELTERING.

Jen said...

I'm honestly trying not to complain, because this is what I've been dreaming of for years--living in paradise, etc etc. It's just a big climatal adjustment. (Yes, I think I just coined a new word/phrase.)