Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My interivew.

I had my interview today...and while it certainly didn't go BADLY, I have a feeling I didn't get it (no particular reason, just a gut feeling). Like I told several of you, it's pretty rare to get the first teaching job you interview for, since the interviews are REALLY tough and you need to go through a few to get a handle on the questions, scenarios, etc.

Also, as it turns out, this IS just a long-term sub position for the rest of the semester (there's a CHANCE it could turn into a permanent thing next year, but not too likely, since this school has had to cut staff the last few years in a row) although it would have been nice to have, at least I'm not loosing a PERMANENT job.

Dearborn, the district I student taught in, will be hiring a lot of teachers next year due to a buy out, so perhaps that's where I'm meant to end up and this was just meant to be a practice interview to prepare me for my "real" opportunity somewhere down the road.

Anyway, I'll let you know when I hear something definitive (and if I got it, that should be in the next day or so, since this person is to start on Monday already).


What are some suggested answers to the following?

- How do you deal with difficult parents/
- How do you deal with the student who just doesn't want to work?
- How do you deal with the "bully"? (Either the student who is being bullied or the student who is doing the harrassment.)


Mom said...



Are you SURE you should be teaching Language Arts?

Fred said...

How do you deal with difficult parents?
Document, document, document. Not only the student’s behavior, but the parent’s reaction as well. After the second sour call, I will bring it up to the assistant principal for curriculum (APC) as an FYI. Then, if the parent calls a third time, I will tell them that any further issues will be with me, the APC, and the parent, in person. The APC usually puts them in their place. The APC will inform the parent of the proper decorum, and if not followed the next time, it's out of my hands. The principal will then meet with the parent. A parent has no right to abuse a teacher. Period.

How do you deal with the student who just doesn't want to work?
1. Talk to them.
2. Try and involve them in the lesson.
3. Proximity management – hover around them. In the end, I can’t make them write anything, but I’ll try my hardest.
4. Check with other teachers - is it only in my class? Have they tried something that works?
5. Check with guidance for any issues.
6. Call home.
7. Repeat steps 1-3 after parent consultation.
8. Refer to guidance.

How do you deal with the "bully?

I basically tell the person (in a threatening manner) who bullies that I have it out for them, and if I hear or see them do anything, I’ll make sure they're out of school for at least 10 days. (Most kids won’t rat out another, so if I hear of it, I make sure I see it with my own eyes.

Hope this helps, and GOOD LUCK!

Jen said...

Okay but Fred, what about parents who aren't necessarily "abusive," but just...difficult (ie, high-maintenance, demanding, etc)?

Jen said...

Shit, why didn't *I* think of that "kick them in the arse" answer?!


Fred said...

Not much you can do there, Jen, it comes with the territory.

Sometimes, though, you just have to inform a parent you've done all you can and refer them to the next level.