Sunday, July 10, 2005

Yee-haw, mon.

What could I possibly add to make this even funnier?


Fred said...

My favorite part of the article is this quote:

"Nelson launched a successful film career ("Electric Horseman," "Wag the Dog")..."

Maybe it's me, but I wouldn't really define that as very successful.

Jen said...

"While the music on "Countryman" might raise the eyebrows of country purists, so will the cover. With green marijuana leaves on a red and yellow background, the cover art makes the CD look like an oversized pack of rolling papers."

Yeah, he MUST have been high when he came up with this idea.

(Actually, Willie Nelson is quite the stoner. Toby Keith does a funny segment at his concerts called "I'll never smoke weed with ol' Willie again.")

Jen said...

"The marijuana imagery reflects Jamaican culture...but it also reflects Nelson's fondness for pot smoking."

That's like saying that Rob has a "fondness" for beer.

Anonymous said...

This isn't as actually out there as it sounds. They've been playing quite a lot of it on KCRW ( and it doesn't sound too far off the planet. In fact, just like Willie Nelson with less country and a bit of a beat behind him.

Jen said...

Hey, Uli is Australian! Plus, he/she has a really funny blog.

Nik said...

I don't like Willie Nelson singing country, so I'm sure I would be disgusted by him doing reggae! The article was pretty funny though. I wish I had a successful movie career. like he has.

Jen said...

Yeah. You like boobs too.

Jamie Dawn said...

Willie Nelson singing Reggae is like water and oil, Bill & Hillary, etc... They just don't mix.

What's next? Michael Jackson singing opera?
Oh, good Lord! Just imagine it...

Jen said...

I spit out my pop at the image of MJ and opera.

Although frankly, I'm not sure that anything "he" (and I use the word loosely) does would surprise me anymore.

Meegan said...

Whoa, this is scary.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jen - it's she - and MJ and opera, please no!

Jen said...

Yeah, that song is awesome.

Nik said...

Have you gals heard Toby's "Only the Best Looking Tuna Get to be Star Kissed"? That's prolly my fave one of his bus songs.

Jen said...

I haven't heard that one!

Nik said...

I love listening to Bob & Tom. I listen to it every morning on my way to the gym and home in the morning. They're so funny and naughty. I get a kick out of hearing them try to get around the FCC rules. It's awesome!
Jen, you have to hear that song, it's a riot. In case you couldn't figure it out, it's about a girl(tuna) who shows up after the show and she's not exactly high quality(not the best looking), and you know where this is going.

Nik said...

That bugs the shit out of me too. Especially when they insert their own laugh tracks into the funny songs and sometimes it's just annoying. But the raunch is funny sometimes.