Thursday, July 07, 2005

Rock star.

Rob sent me a video of himself playing the guitar. It was really good!! Girls, I tried to email it to you but it was too big (I waited for 45 minutes and it STILL wasn't done attaching--and then my computer froze). Rob was "tipsy" during the recording, but I couldn't tell at all. Really, I'm impressed.

In other news, SOMEONE forgot to take her Vitamin E this month. I am DYING here, ladies.


sparkydiva said...

vitamin e? what am i missing...i feel *so* left out!

Fred said...

Sheesh. I come here for entertainment, and all I get is a commercial for cramps n' stuff.

I'd e-mail you a demo of my singing talents, but it's terrible to hear so many dogs barking at the same time.

I'll stick to teaching.

Nik said...

I'd love to hear the drunken wonder do a lil number for us, that would be too cool.
Hey Jen, ya ever try drinking warm tea and putting a heating pad on your guts or back? I'm not afflicted by major period related things, but I find this works for me and my mild cramps. It's worth a try anyways.

Jen said...

Renee, there is a REASON I didn't go into details. LOL.

Sorry, to the Male Readers of this Blog.

Jen said...

PS to Nikki: "I find this works for me and my mild cramps."----> key word on "mild," my friend. I'm WAY past heating pad and tea. I'm more in the "kick me in the head to make me forget the pain" stage. But thanks.

Jen said...

LOL Anna.

Rob, what's "rodgering"?

Jen said...

For the record...I'm in the *PMS* stage.

BarbaraFromCalifornia said...


Just wanted to say thank you for all your kind, positive comments on my blog.

All best,

Jen said...

SO! Red Wings have a new coach, huh?

Jen said...


In hindsight, but random choosing of Detroit sports talk could not have been more inappropriate (or appropriate, I guess) for this particular conversation.

Jamie Dawn said...

My son plays guitar. He is superb!

Don't die, please!

sparkydiva said... wings? coach?? and you thought the answer to MY question was bad?????

FYI - i could have used that tip about five years ago when i still had that problem, but all of my hardware has been removed, and i no longer have such problems. but...why didn't i have friends like this so long ago when it could have helped!! oh least i'm a safe date! :o)

hope you all are doing well...and are having a fabulous weekend.

Jen said...

Yes, Anna, I'm sorry.

They're disgusting.

Nik said...

Damn, that's absolutely nauseating Rob!! You couldn't give me all the money in the world to get rodgered when aunt flo's in town. Yuck!
Jen, slick attempt at changing the subject! lmao

Jen said...

Honestly, Anna, I'm one of the people who doesn't even care anymore if they do come back or not. Hell, I probably won't watch even if they DO play, just on principle.

Jen said...

I've been to a couple of was a lot of fun, dont get me wrong--and living in Hockeytown, I would watch the games on TV (especially the playoffs, of course)...but I dont know, I just dont feel that anything has been "missing" in my life with hockey gone. With this lockout, they're taking a chance that a LOT of hockey fans--not the hardcore ones, of course, but the more "casual" ones--may come to the same conclusion and just not care all htat much if and when they do return.

Nik said...

I LOVED hockey until this past season. Now, I could care less. I just think it's pathetic that they couldn't even come up w/ some kind of resolution to the issues. Quite sad really. I thought it was kinda funny that the Wings fired their coach. I mean really, so what, there is no hockey anyways, so why the hell would you need a coach? Even if they are able to get the league up and going, I think they lost way too many fans for it to be worth it. Unless they can get their shit together and have a plan to win back fan loyalty, who knows? Although I missed hockey at the start of the season, it got to the point where I had completely forgot that it was hockey season. Kinda sad if Stevie Y's last season was spent in a lockdown though!!

Nik said...

LOL-- that should be lockout, not lockdown! Didn't want anyone to think my baby was in the clink.

Jen said...

Word on the street is that the "lockdown" is over. =-)

Nik said...

Haha Jen! As pissed off as I have been about the hockey thing, when I heard the news today I was so damned excited. I so can't wait. (I know, I know after I just ranted and raved about how I don't miss hockey and all that)Hey Jen me and my sis's were thinking about taking my dad to see the Wings for his b-day present, you in?

Jen said...

Probably not, Nik, as his birthday falls during my student teaching, the three month period in which I'll be working my ass off but making no money. But thanks for asking. =-) (You guys better come by, though.)

Nik said...

Nothing's definite yet, it's just an idea right now, but I'll let ua know.