Jen's Book Club
I am currently reading The Other Bolen Girl and I have to say, it's already my new favorite book. I don't normally like historical works; I generally find them boring and prefer more modern works. However, this book is written is a very contemporary style--incredibly entertaining and funny. It's lengthy--661 pages (and the print is very small, at that)--but worth it.
It basically tells the story of Mary, Anne's sister. Although Anne went on to marry the King, her younger sister Mary fell in love with him first. Mary was "pimped out" to the King by her own family when she was 14; they figured that if she got knocked up by the King, her family would hold a much higher place in the kingdom. This whole thing was planned out in a very cold, calculating way and poor Mary was caught in the middle. She had to go along with what her family said and then seduce and sleep with the King. The whole family was in on it, from her dad (ewwwwwwww) and uncles to her sister. Along the way, though, she fell in love with him and it wasn't just a "game" to her imagine how she felt when her family decided that her sister Anne was to have a crack at him next.
Anyway. It's SO GOOD. I know it's now a movie but I'm not going to watch it until I'm done with the book (so I may be watching it on DVD, LOL).
Go get it!
I didn't know it was a book! I thought the movie looked KINDA good. Like, the story sounded interesting. I'd much rather read it than watch it, though. Borders, here I come!
More often than not, the book is better than the movie. This is definately one of the more interesting historical stories you'll come across. I've never read it, but I'll try to find it. By the way, it'd be funny if they actually referred to Mary as being "pimped out".
Hahahhhha. No but they might as well. The dad would be like, "Go lay with him, daughter. Keep him happy."
and at one point they say something like "If you get him to marry you, you're worth something. If not, you're just a whore."
And they use the word "slut." I wonder if they really used that back then.
IT's just amazing because his wife, the Queen, has to basically watch her husband disappear with this teenage girl--and she can't say anything. She has to keep a smile on her face. I'd be like, Hell NO!
Wow. That's fucking disgusting (both what the dad would say and the queen having to sit there mum while it all happened).
I agree, Nik-- if there's a movie and a book, the book is always 100 times better. But being a reader, of course I feel that way :-)
That sounds sad.
I was surprised at the big actresses they got for the movie.
No it's really good Anna. And the one liners are great.
And now her sister did something even MORE shocking. OH SO SCANDELOUS.
Hey Jen- would they have this book at the library or is it fairly new?
Renee- about the movie/book comparisons. I found an instance where I liked the movie better than the book. I really liked P.S I Love You, but the movie was soooo much better. In fairness, the movie was quite different from the book, but based on the same concept, so I guess maybe they shouldn't be compared afterall, huh?
Nik, I don't know if the library would have it, but Target has it for like $12 or so. I'm gonna get it, so if you want, I can send mine to you when I'm done. But that could be a while, since it's so long and I don't even have it yet :-)
I generally like books better than movies because they can get more into depth with the characters and the stories, but occasionally the movies are better. I like it best when a movie makes me think more about a character than I did when I read the book.
Hey Nik, I bought the book today. I'm reading a different one right now, though, and won't start this one til we get back, but you're welcome to it when I'm done...
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