Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Frank vs. Sanjaya

**This post applies to Idol watchers only; and if for any reason you haven't watched tonight's elimination show yet, STOP READING NOW.**

Like many people across America, Frank cannot STAND that no-talent, no-personality Sanjaya kid. However, Frank detests him with a hatred normally reserved for mass murderers and child molesters. He becomes downright furious every week that Sanjaya manages to survive.

When it was revealed that Sanjaya wasn't even in the bottom three--AGAIN--Frank jumped out of his chair, and, wild-eyed, spewed a fountain of filth not normally heard outside of truck stops and prisons. I can't type it all here, but it began with, "That f*cking c*ck-sucking mother f*cker" and ended with "I hope he catches gonnorhea and dies."

I might be going to hell, but the only time I've even cracked a smile in the last couple of days has been during Frank's Tuesday and Wednesday Sanjaya-induced aneurysms.


BeckEye said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

It makes me stupidly happy to consistently misspell Sanjaya's name as Sunjaya. The first time was an accident, but I decided that if he can't sing, then he doesn't deserve to have his name spelled correctly. Besides, you wouldn't believe how many people find my blog searching for him with the wrong spelling.

keesh said...

How did such "talent" get on the finals? There were way better singers than quite a few that made it to the finals, but how does sanjaya make it to the top 12 at all? And stay there? I agree with Frank...Someone said on the radio "girls 12 and under need to go to bed earlier and stop the maddness."
Jen - are the girls in your class voting for him? I just mean that age group...

JH said...

you can join the Sanjaya movement at Vote for the Worst to keep your laughter going. I must admit, I haven't ever voted for American Idol, but I got into the show after hearing about all this ruckus... But to me Sanjaya is pure gold, especially with the faux-hock. Priceless, i was thinking about sporting my own as school the next day, but some how I didn't think the principal would think it was as funny as I did.

Jen said...

JH, I actually tried to go to that site right after the show last night, but I think it was overloaded...

I heard on the radio, too, Kish that he was incredibly popular with the middle school aged girls, but I'm not sure if that actually holds true here in Ft Myers. I'll have to take a scientific poll. ;)

In the new people that just came out, Sanjaya said that he'd make a good Idol cuz there's never been an Indian one before, and it would truly show what a "melting pot" America is or some shit, and I'm thinking, Oh, okay, so we should make you the winner cuz of your RACE?? And then People said that on the Idol message boards, he was the SECOND MOST POPULAR, behind Blake....but then again, that's just the # of posts about a certain contestant, and you KNOW they aren't all positive.

It's almost funny now how he keeps skating through, but if it keeps happening it sure won't be funny any more....I mean, Haley still needs to go, but after that, I think they're all pretty good--except for Jackass. (OH AND BY THE WAY, guess who was the ONLY contestant posing in a skimpy little outfit, showing off all her legs and what not? Yeah, tell me THAT girl doesn't know what's keeping her in the competition.)

Anyway. Whoo. I'm done.

keesh said...

I do like Haley, she isn't the greatest talent, but I think she tries really hard. I do think she is really really pretty though. But she really has only had one good performance...I think she deserved to go more than Chris at this point, but Sanjaya needs to go like NOW! So we all need to vote over and over and over again at the end for our favorite...I really like Lakeesha, Melinda, Gina is kind of growing on me, and I like some of the boys too....let's hope Sanjaya goes soon!!