Friday, March 10, 2006


Mom and Steve got in a car accident today.

In our driveway.

With each other.

That's all I have to say about that.


Nik said...

LMFAO!! I can only imagine. I'm assuming not too bad and nobody hurt? Dad probably dropped a few "F" bombs though regardless. Danm that's some funny stuff, wish I woulda been there.

Jen said...

Yeah, he was leaving for work as Mom was getting home....they're okay, of course, but I guess his truck did get pretty dented up.

keesh said...

So, I guess they can't tell if they are coming or going then?? HA! Was your Mom drinking? Sex toys involved? So who won on the "it is your fault" toss :).

Jen said...

I guess Steve did actually claim responsibility, as I guess technically he was the one who didn't see HER pull up...or something.

Fred said...

Um, hello. Pictures? That would have been priceless.

Mom said...

Nikki -

Yeah he did.

The first one was "Where the f#$% did you come from?"

Jen said...

Maybe I can have them reenact it.