Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Martha Stewart I'm not

The other day, Dave called from the kitchen, "Hey, do you have any vinegar?"

"I don't know," I answered. "Check the spice rack."


"Um....vinegar's not a spice, Corky."

"Oh." [Pause.] "Yeah, I have no idea then."


Kristen said...

I can totally relate. I have absolutely no idea how to cook. TV dinners are good enough for me.

I really enjoy reading the blog.

Renee said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Remember a long time ago you wanted to come stay here for a weekend and learn how to cook? I wish you weren't so far away. Although it sounds like Dave's a great cook, so you may just want to milk that for all it's worth :-)

Jen said...

Thanks, Kristen! Glad to know there's someone else out there! =-)

keesh said...

Oh yeah, me too Jen. I cook the basics and that is it. In fact on Monday at the soccer field a woman from Church came up to me and asked me if i would make a meal for someone, I was like "um no, I don't cook and I am not sure how i got put on the list for that." I was like "I will be glad to set up, tear down, do dishes, but no cooking for me." Everyone laughed but it is SO TRUE :).

But here is my blonde moment for the week, 2 days ago I was sneezing, watery eyes etc...allergies right. So I say to my husband " I don't understand why my allergies are kicking in, that usually only happens in the late spring." Yeah, and he has stayed with me for almost 10 years :). HA!

Renee said...

I'm still laughing at this and I'm laughing at your blonde moment, Kish :-)

Jen, you MUST have vinegar if you guys dyed easter eggs... unless you did that at his house...

Jen said...

no, we did it here but we didn't use vinegar..just the kits.

Renee said...

yeah, but you're supposed to use vinegar and water with the kits... Corky :-)

Jen said...

oh. i didn't know that. well, check the spice rack then. ;)

no but for real, why?

Renee said...

LOLOLOL. I'm not really sure why. I think the vinegar makes the color more vibrant or adhere better. Or something. Obviously it worked without, though, huh?

Jen said...

they were kinda pale, though. maybe that's why mine never looks like they do on the box.