Friday, December 14, 2007

Out with the old...

I started my Christmas cards last night (before mid-month--whoo hooo!). After sealing a few cards, however, I realized: Shoot! I didn't write my annual update letter!

And then it hit me.

If I talk to someone so infrequently that I need to write them a letter telling them what I've been doing ALL YEAR, it's probably not a person that I need to worry about sending a card TO anymore.

So I went through and I (rather ruthlessly) started cutting people off my list. And it felt GOOD.

Now, some people stayed by default. Family, for example. I may not talk to my uncles all year, but they're still family. (And I got a little teary when I came to Dad's parents' entry in my address book. I couldn't bring myself to physically cross them out....but for the first time in my life, they aren't there to send a card TO. And that was tough.) And Mrs. S, my old counselor from high school who helped me to graduate on time (Kish knows who I'm talking about)--she'll eternally be on my list. Plus, I always get a nice one back from her. But Mrs. B., for whom I was a cadet teacher for about 16 weeks back in '94? Yeah, probably not so much (as nice as she is). And Cam's family? I actually took THEM off the list this year...mostly because, although I've been sending them yearly since his accident, I've never heard a peep back from them. I guess it's time to move on.

My new card list, although much shorter, is also much more meaningful to me.

What about all of you? Do you still do the annual letter? Do you find yourselves sending cards to people and wondering WHY you're still doing it (or, for that matter, WHO they are)?


keesh said...

kwell Ihave never sent an annual letter, but i think it is cool when i get them from people I don't get updates to or from regularly. such as Anna's. I knew a lot in her letter, but some of it was cool to hear again. like a summary. The worst for me is getting a card for someone and not having sent them I save their return address and send them one the next year or if time, really quickly this year ;)...But yeah, there were a few I weeded out that were more like my parents friends and not mine so much...did my girl tribunal get my cards?

Jen said...

well that's what's funny...i love getting the letter from people I talk to regularly...because they're in my life, I care about them, so I'm interested and it's meaningful to me. But if I get a letter from someone I never (NEVER) talk to during the year, and my ONLY interaction with them is that annual letter--well, let's face it. How important can they be (in my life, I mean. Not as people or anything) ;)

keesh said...

ah, yes... I agree. as if! I gues I have never gotten a letter from someone I don't really communicate with...

Jen said...

Kish, did you just say 'AS IF' ?! lololol. 1985 called, they want their phrase back. ;)

Jen said...

ps--Renee, are you sending cards this year? Don't you usually send yours out on, like, Thanksgiving? =-)

Renee said...

I usually suck at my timing with Christmas cards. And it's usually because I don't get Brent's pictures taken in time. Such is the case again this year. I just sent my cards out today.

I know what you mean about the long, unnecessary list, though. I send a card to quite a few of John's friends every year and we never hear squat from (a lot of) them.

His friends are weird, though. They're the type that get pissed if you don't keep in regular contact. Me, I can pick up where I left off pretty easily, even after a long time, so I don't get that and it irritates me. But I keep sending, because John asks me to :-)

Renee said...

*sharp intake of breath*!! I can actually post comments again! It's been like 4 days of error messages :-)

Renee said...

I hope you kept my parents on your list! They like getting your letter. I guess this year they'll have to be happy with a card. IF they're still "important" enough, that is ;-)

keesh said...

dang, my posts aren't showing up. let's try again...

We went to see the Alvin and the chipmunk movie and it was really cute!

Renee said...

Oh, cool! We were gonna go see a movie today, but now that there's at least a foot of snow on the ground, I think Brent wants to go sledding instead :-)

Jen said...

Of course they're still on the list! But yeah, I just don't have a letter this year. If many people complain, then perhaps I'll bring it back next year. ;)

Renee said...

I'm complaining :-)

Firstly, your letters are so fun to read because you're such a good writer and you're funny. And even though I know what's been going on in your life, it's still fun to read.

Secondly, there's SO MUCH going on in your life to write about! There's the offchance that people will be surprised by new info that you thought you'd shared before. Like being a Big Sister, for instance ;-)

Anonymous said...

I know what you're saying. There are a lot of people who I keep on the list, especially extended family, that it is my only contact with them for the year. I add a few every year and take a few off every year. The list could probably use a harsh cutting. Maybe next year...

I like doing some kind of personalized card because it was a tradition of my grandparents. I like writing the letter because it's a good way to share news and set the year's new info straight - like where I moved to this year and what's my phone number ;)

I'm so glad you're back Renee! I was worried something was wrong when we didn't hear from you for so long!

Kish, I got your card and loved it! I laughed at your son's goofy expression and had to share it with Tim ;)

keesh said...

and people are telling me Mason looks like Ralphy from Christmas funny :)

yeah jen, card was way too boring for you...need a letter. you are way too fun not to!

Jen said...

you did NOT get it already Kish, did you? I just mailed it yesterday@

Renee said...

LOL, Kish! I thought he looked like Ralphie, too! I think it was the look on his face and his hair combed to the side :-) He's adorable.

That's as freaky fast as Jimmy John's, if you got it already, Kish! I haven't gotten mine, yet...

Anonymous said...

It was a very pretty card :)