Tuesday, June 13, 2006


The principal called tonight; we talked for about half an hour. The majority of the conversation focused on the logistics of something like this--was I serious about relocating, what I would have to do to obtain my temporary Florida certification, etc. She's going to have another call me tomorrow--he actually moved there from G.R., believe it or not. She didn't really ask me a lot of questions--at least, not yet. She has to hire *20* teachers, though, and she sounds pretty interested in me so far. She also asked me which grade I'd like to teach (right now, she just has elementary teaching positions left, instead of the middle school level but that could change; also, at least I'd get my foot in the door and who knows what might open up for the following school year).

I'm emailing her my references and then she said she'd call back and "we'd have a conversation." I don't know if she means that that's when she'd actually do the interview part of if that's when she'd offer me the job (because really, wouldn't you interview someone BEFORE you checked references?). I have to tell you, though--if this happens, it's going to happen FAST. Their first day of school is July 31 or something like that.

My stomach is in knots and I feel slightly ill. I WANT to do this, but I'm scared shitless. Still, maybe this is meant to happen. First of all, for those who knew me back then, I came within WEEKS of moving to Florida for college. So maybe it's inevitable that I end up there. Secondly....due to the Typo of '06, Florida may BE the only state who will hire me now, since I may have put myself on the persona non grata list at the majority of schools in West Michigan (and some in Detroit). Maybe it's a sign. Maybe the Powers That Be are telling me, quite clearly and in flashing neon lights, "GO TEACH IN FLORIDA. Michigan isn't where you should be right now." Or maybe I'm just making UP signs to try to make myself feel better.

Not to mention the LOGISTICS of moving. Damn. (Is there anyone who can take a few days off near the end of July to help me cart my shit down there?)

Let's not get TOO ahead of ourselves, though. I'll let you know what happens after she checks my references.


Jen said...

Well I think what'd I do initially is move in WITH someone, as a roommate situation (I've been looking on roommates.com), just because I don't HAVE a lot to move. So that way I'd just need bedroom stuff plus my clothes, CDs books (those would require a Uhaul right there, LOL), etc. Then once I'm there a few months and somewhat settled, I can start looking for an apt.

Jen said...

PS I haven't asked about relocation reimbursement yet obviously, but a lot of schools DO. Maybe not a charter school tho.

Jen said...

I just got another email from the COO of another charter school company in FL.

keesh said...

U GO GIRL! I thought I my eyes were playing tricks on me (or maybe it was the alcohol) when I read that paragraph and it was the same...ahhh...:). I say just roll with it girl! Go with your gut! This may be the destination you are meant to go!
Oh and I told my friend (the dean of students) about your little typo. After she stopped laughing, she said "actually that happens quite a bit, so tell her not to feel too bad about it."

Jen said...

yeah, but like I said, the logistics of this whole thing would be a bitch. imagine how much it would cost to rent a uhaul (gas, mileage, etc).

plus, it's like a 2 day drive (21 hours, so i really cant do it in one)

keesh said...

well if they offer you the job, they will probably pay for the move...

Jen said...

$800 is "doable"? If I have to pay that much I'm screwed.

Jen said...

Dear Lord, I AM going to end up with LoB.
